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Sebastian Smythe sat alone in the Lima Bean coffee shop with homework pilled in front of him messily, but on top of that, was a letter.

He was practically asleep, lazily doodling sunflowers and triangles on what was supposed to be his maths homework while trying to bring himself to read the letter.

Yes this was the same Sebastian Smythe that nearly blinded Blaine Anderson with a slushy and that is captain of the Warblers almost 2 months ago.

He sat in the corner of the cool coffee shop wearing his full Dalton uniform, even tho it was well over 24 degrees outside. From an outsiders point of view it looked as if the Dalton student stayed up too late and needed to study so he decided to go to a coffee shop.

From Sebastian's point of view, it was a completely different story. Yes he was supposed to be finishing his homework, but was he? Nope. Instead he was convincing himself that the letter was just a check up note. Nothing serious. Nothing bad. He opened the letter and the first thing he saw as his name, well his family name.

Dear M. Smythe
We have been making progress. We are guessing she will wake up the earliest, 1-3 weeks, the most well, we've discussed that. We would be pleased if you to drop by today or tomorrow to complete some last minute paper work.

Sincerely, Dr. Tristan

He read it over multiple times to make sure he remembered every last detail, then started to lazily pack all of his stuff up. After he finished he walked slowly towards his car.

He drove to hospital in silence and entered the building. He nodded at the receptionist lady because by now, she knows him and why he is here.

Walk 16 steps down the west hallway, take a left, walk 7 steps, get an elevator, go to the second floor, walk 12 more steps, wait in the second floor waiting room till the doctor comes out. These are the directions Sebastian had memorized after the months of visiting this very same room.

Sebastian sat down on one of the grey uncomfortable chairs and rubbed his head in frustration but winced when he put pressure.

"Well look who it is." A voice said to Sebastian. Sebastian looked across the hallway to the previously empty chairs which where now filled with the New Directions. Santana, Finn, Rachel and Kurt where their, which lead Sebastian to assume that Blaine was somewhere here as well.

"What do you want?" Sebastian asked without any snarky comment or smirk to his words which shocked the New Directions.

"Nothing, we're just here for Blaine. What do you want." Santana asked with a smirk that made Satan them self ashamed (I do not think Satan is a man cause that is sexist).

"I don't want trouble today okay?" Sebastian sighed but soon stood up when the doctor came out.

"Okay you have to sign here and here, then that's the fee, and you will need to buy what's on page 3." Dr. Tristan explained to Sebastian. Sebastien nodded and went into the room the Doctor came out of.

All the New Directions where shocked. Was the Sebastian Smythe just almost decent to them? It had to be a set up right? Right.

Hello my lovelies. I have all but one question, should I do longer chapters or do y'all prefer short ones like this one. My regular chapters average out from 1500-2100 words, I could makes them a bit longer like 800-900 maybe, this one was about 600 ish.

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