"Let's not fight anymore okay?", Sehun said. Afterwards, they met Tao at the hallway.

"Our house mansion project is done but I still need to fix some electric circuits and wires for the lights", - Tao

"Thank you for the big help, Tao. You're really our true friend", Harriette said. Afterwards, Tao made a phone call to his fellow gang members.

"Prepare for Luhan's company's celebration tomorrow", Tao seriously said. Next day, Luhan's company's anniversary is celebrated. The building has a lot of guests, foreigners, popular architects and engineers. They are all wearing a formal tuxedo suit and dress. There's a big buffet, waiters who serve wines, juice and snacks and at the exhibition area where one of the display there is Harriette, Sehun and Tao's work.

"Where's Tao? He said he will come here early to fix the electricity of our project. He's so irresponsible! All the projects in the exhibit has lights and electricity except ours", - Sehun

"Sehun just calm down okay? I know he can fix our project. You should smile since we need to present our design later to the guests", Harriette said when suddenly, she saw Luhan and Yura together talking to the other guests but Harriette just looked away. Kris was also looking at Luhan and Yura from a distance. Afterwards, Luhan went at the stage for a speech.

"Everyone I would like to thank you all for attending my stepfather's celebration of the anniversary of his company. He made a lot of contributions for this company, not only for the company but he helped a lot of workers here to change their life. He also gave scholarships to a lot of youths who can't afford to go to school or university to finish their studies. The displays in the exhibit area that the architect college students created are all perfect. I can't wait to see you, guys work here someday in my company as an architect. Years ago I was an architect college student too who loves to join exhibits like this to display my designs. I am thankful for my stepfather, my mom and my friends that I made it here in front of you as a successful architect but if there's one person I am thankful the most......", Luhan suddenly look for someone in the crowd, it's Harriette.

"If there's one person I am thankful the most it's the person I was with before. She's the reason why I became an architect. She's my inspiration and my everything but...... but I lost her. I felt that my whole world crushed in to tiny little pieces and all my dreams just fade away but I didn't give up. I made her a promise I will become an architect for her so we can build our dreams together. Even though she's now gone I am still thankful for her that I made it here and I hope she's proud of me", Harriette's tears fell from her eyes as she listened to Luhan's speech knowing that she's the girl Luhan talks about in his speech.

"Well of course I'm not here to talk about my terrible past to make you all cry", Luhan jokingly said and the guests laughed a little.

"I'm also here to make a big special announcement. Everyone I would like to introduce to you my girlfriend Yura", Luhan said. All the guests happily clapped for the new couple while Kris walked away and Harriette left too. She went to the comfort room with her teary eyes after knowing about Luhan and Yura's relationship when someone entered the comfort room.

"After the party I will break up with Luhan", - Yura

"Why are you telling me this?", - Harriette

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