Episode 34

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Sorry if the grammars are wrong.

"Arthur just stop this just let me go!", - Rose.

"After you betrayed me do you think it's that so easy to let go?! You even took my child away from me and now tell me where is he, Rose?", - Boss

"How many times should I tell you I don't want you anymore?! I don't have a husband who's a criminal like you, Arthur! So don't blame everything to me! You deserved these! You should blame yourself why your life became miserable!", - Rose

"Just tell me where is my son Rose and I won't bother you and your son Luhan", - Boss

"Samuel is dead, Arthur. Years ago when you were chasing us with your gun, you accidentally shot him. You killed your son so you don't have the right to ask or care about him because you never did", Boss suddenly pulled his gun from his pocket and pointed it to her. Rose just closed her eyes knowing that it will be her last day when someone pushed Arthur and he grabbed his gun and pointed it to him.

"Stay away from my mom", Luhan said pointing the gun to him. Luhan's guards also went to the garden and arrested Arthur.

"You will regret this, Luhan", Arthur said to Luhan and the guards bring him to the police station. 

"You finally called me mom, Luhan", Rose hugged Luhan.

"I will protect you to those who wanted to hurt you, mom I promise", afterwards, Luhan went to the police station with Harold. Luhan knew that Arthur has a lot of criminal records from the past when he went to his prison cell to talk to him. 

"What do you want from us?", Luhan asked but Arthur didn't answer him. At the mansion, Rose still can't forget what just happened a while ago that she met her former husband. Rose decided to not tell Arthur that their son Samuel is still alive today. Luhan's real birth name was "Samuel" named by Rose but it was legally changed in to "Luhan" when Teresa adopted him when he was an infant. Rose lied to Arthur about their son's death worried that he might just hurt Luhan or even use him for his wealth. Luhan just came home from the police station and he talked to Rose.

"I know you're still in shocked about what happened a while ago but you need to see this", Luhan gave her mom some papers so she read it. It's a papers from the police department's investigations about Philip's death. After Arthur was jailed for years for a previous crime he did, the first thing he wanted to do at the outside world was to find Rose until he knew that she's already married to someone so Arthur disguises himself before as the new coffee maker at the office canteen of Sir Philip's company and served him a coffee with a poison in it.

When Philip lost his consciousness, Arthur browse on his stuffs at the office and found a family picture of Philip and Rose with their son Luhan. Arthur took it for him to be easy to search for Luhan to use him for revenge for Rose and unknown to Arthur that Luhan was just Philip's adopted son. He has no idea too that Samuel and Luhan are just the same person which is his son. Rose cried since Arthur already killed one of her love ones as a revenge to her so Luhan hugged her.

"Don't worry, mom there's nothing to worry about anymore. Harold is helping us to fix this case and Arthur is in jail now. He will never bother you anymore. I will protect you whatever happens", Rose cried hugging Luhan that finally he already accepted her as his mom, they already found justice for Philip and for her, Luhan was right. Arthur is in jail now and she knows that he will never find any ways to bother them anymore since he's already in jail for a lifetime for all of the crimes he did for how many years.

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