ch. 6 - dreamsicle

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    Peter walked the boardwalk and stared at the sky above him in complete awe. Orange and white swirled together, reminding him of his favorite ice cream, dreamsicle. The temperature was the perfect amount a warmth. Surrounding him were castles. In the distance, he could see the calm, purple ocean. He felt tempted to run and jump in. He wondered if it felt different than his Earth's oceans.

Quentin stared at the boy, who was lost in another world, literally.

'What could be going on in that mind of yours, Peter?' He thought.

"So, you like it here?" Quentin wrapped an arm around Peter's shoulders.

"I love it! It's so cool!"

Quentin smiled. 'He's so naive.'

"Do you want to see my house?"

"Of course!" Peter smiled turning around.

"Don't tell me it's that one" Peter's jaw dropped, now taking in the sight of the huge, grey, castle before him.

"It is" Quentin led the way with his arm around Peter's shoulder.

"No way! I thought I had a big house. Well, I mean technically, I have the biggest house in America-" Peter rambled on as they crossed the bridge to get to the castle doors. Soon enough, the tall brown doors were opening, and they were entering. Inside were white brick walls, bright fluorescent lights, and in front of them were wide stone stairs. Peter couldn't make words come out of his mouth, and Quentin didn't have time to wait for him to. He just smiled and led him up the stairs.

"Whoa, what's in there?"

"That room looks huge!"

"You're so rich!"

"I've never seen that before!"

Quentin rolled his eyes hearing various comments from Peter, before opening the door to his huge bedroom. Peter's mouth dropped once again and slowly walked in, taking in everything he saw.

Quentin's bed was a king size, but doubled, and it had the softest material of blankets covering it, along with various pillows of different sizes. In front of his bed was a big circular white rug. Across from the bed was a big tv mounted on the wall and a fireplace sitting under it. On both sides of the room were long book cases with small couches next to them.


Quentin slowly shut the door behind him. "It's pretty cool, huh?"

"Cool?" Peter turned to him. "It's amazing!"

Quentin smiled seeing how excited his boyfriend was. He really did love Peter, but he hated to admit it.

"Yeah, well" Quentin shrugged.

"I didn't know you were this rich. Damn."

"I am a hero" Quentin smiled, devilishly.

"You're my hero" Peter wrapped his arms around Quentin's neck.

'Damn you, Peter Stark-Rogers' Quentin thought and looked down into the boy's eyes. 'Fuck.'

"Have your eyes always been this pretty?" Quentin ran a hand through Peter's hair.

'Fuck, he's turning me soft.'

"Has your hair always been this soft?" Peter tilted his head to the side, running his hand through Quentin's hair.

"You haven't known soft until you've felt my bed" Quentin smirked.

"Why don't I then?"

'Turn on the charm, kid.'

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