ch.4 - meeting the parents

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Everyone ducked, shielding their heads as the glass of the huge window shattered. Beside that window, was a couch full of people. To name a few which were sitting comfortably, drinking and laughing, were Rhodey, Natasha, Bruce, Thor, Loki, and Morgan.

As any parent would, both Tony and Steve looked around to spot their children. They saw that Peter was right in the center of the room, ducked down. Tony noticed Harley duck behind the bar. Steve looked to his left, remembering where Morgan was.


They both rushed to the couch. Those moments of not being able to see what was in front of them felt like torture. Most people were on the floor shielding themselves, but some were running around in panic. Tony and Steve shoved people who were in their way, until they were next to the couch. Whether it was from the blast or Thor's amazing instincts, he was flung into the floor, on top of Morgan, shielding her from the blast and glass. Still needing to see her face, Steve bent down to Thor.

"Are you okay?" Steve asked frantically and saw Morgan nodding. "Come here."

Thor slowly pushed himself off of the ground, as Steve picked his daughter up. Thor groaned laying on his back.

"Thanks, buddy" Tony said pulling him up, then looked to his husband. "Take her to the back."

Steve nodded running to a closet which was behind the bar. He sat her down on the floor in the corner.

"Stay here until me or daddy come to get you, okay?" Steve framed her face.

"Papa, I'm scared" Morgan started to cry.

"I know, but it will be okay. We'll fix this. Just wait in here."

With that Steve left his scared daughter in a small, dark room. When he walked out, he ran to Harley who was laying on the floor.

"You okay?" Steve asked pulling him up off of the floor.

"I think so. Where's Morgan?"

"In there" Steve pointed to the room which Harley ran into, and quickly shut the door and locked it. Harley held his little sister and tried to calm her as who knows what was going on outside.

Steve looked up to see Peter standing, dusting off his pants.

"Peter! What are you doing?! Get down!" Tony yelled at him. Peter just stared out the gaping hole of the building, walking slowly through the shattered glass, over top of people laying on the ground.

"Peter!" Steve ran over to him and tried to pull him into that room with his siblings. Peter just pushed him away.

"That blast was green!"

"So?" Tony asked.

"Who's blasts are green?" Thor asked, now beside of him.

"Mysterio" Peter answered.

Tony finally remembered what felt off about the name he heard earlier.

"Quentin Beck." Tony looked obviously stressed and like he'd just remembered a memory that he blocked. Then he remembered that Peter said his boyfriend's name is Quentin.

"Are you okay, Tony?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, it's just that we met before. A long time ago."

Peter's stomach turned in knots. He had no idea what was going on.

"I forgot all about him."

"In Tony Stark fashion." Everyone turned looked up to the blasted out window to see a floating figure. "Do you ever think of anyone but yourself?"

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