7th Sword | Devil's House

Start from the beginning

"I'm extremely weak! I can't take down demons on my own!" Zenitsu sobbed, causing (Y/N) to sigh.

"You can't be this shameless. Have some more faith in your abilities, otherwise, you'll just keep holding yourself back." (Y/N) sighed, looking at the kneeling Zenitsu.

Zenitsu then went on to rant about how he'd become a Demon Slayer in the first place, (Y/N) looking away, half-listening as Tanjiro payed full attention.

After he was done, (Y/N) returned his attention to the two.

"Sounds like you've been through quite a bit. But now that you have learned all this, you have actual power in your hands. Plus, you put all that effort into the training- are you really just going to let it go to waste?" (Y/N) asked skeptically, looking down at Zenitsu.

(Y/N) sighed as Zenitsu seemingly ignored him, in a world of his own as Tanjiro just helplessly tried to comfort him.

After seeing Zenitsu's sparrow talk to Tanjiro and (Y/N)'s crows, the three Demon Slayers were walking down the road together, Zenitsu having calmed down.

"I understand your worries...but please don't cause anymore trouble for the sparrow." Tanjiro plead as three walked, Zenitsu staring at him silently while eating a rice ball Tanjiro had given him.

"Trouble for the sparrow? How did you know?" Zenitsu asked, causing (Y/N) to snicker as he heard Tanjiro list off the complaints.

"Wow, keep that up and you'll get a reputation." (Y/N) smiled, rolling his eyes at Zenitsu.

"Very funny. How can either of you understand what it's saying, anyway?" Zenitsu rolled his eyes before asking.

"Oh, I'm not a Bird Whisperer, only Tanjiro understands that." (Y/N) cleared up, making sure he understood as Tanjiro deadpanned.

"CAWW! HURRY UP!! HURRY UP, TANJIRO, ZENITSU, (Y/N), START RUNNING, MOVE FORWARD TO YOUR NEXT LOCATION!!" Tanjiro's crow, scaring Zenitsu to death as (Y/N) rolled his eyes, though the three began to run towards their location.

After an hour or so of traveling, the three found themselves in a forest...and in front of the the household their next mission took place at.

It was a Japanese styled house, and the door seemed to be open in front of the trio, with another opening on the upstairs balcony.

"There's a smell of blood in this area...it's one I've never smelled before..." Tanjiro narrowed his eyes as he said this, looking at the building.

"A smell...? I can't smell anything, but can either of you hear that sound...?" Zenitsu asked, his face showing he was slightly scared at what he'd heard.

"Nope...can't smell or hear anything, but I can certainly sense three demonic auras in the house...not to mention two human auras...and one more, human, but seems wounded..." (Y/N) narrowed his eyes, making both Tanjiro and Zenitsu look at him.

"Aura?" The two of them asked, causing (Y/N) to look at the two.

"It's my way of sensing things. I don't really remember how I came to sense it, but I'm still able to now. I can tell the difference between a human and a demon easily with my aura, not to mention I don't need to see the person directly to find their aura." (Y/N) explained, causing the two to make "Oh" faces. (Ok, so this works for the five Senses with the characters, Tanjiro's Smell, Zenitsu's Hearing, Inosuke's Touch, Kanao's Sight, and Genya's Taste. Yours is basically the sixth, Aura.)

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