7th Sword | Devil's House

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"Sooo...do I even want to ask what's going on here?" (Y/N) chuckled as he walked up to the blond haired boy and the black haired girl.

"THIS IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! I NEED HER TO MARRY ME!" The blond boy huffed, continuing to persist on his marriage request.

Seeing this, (Y/N) sweatdropped as he smiled cluelessly, Tanjiro beside him becoming the fabled Bird Whisperer as he seemed to understand that the boy's Kasugaigarasu...in this case a sparrow, had said.

Walking up to the boy angrily, Tanjiro pulled him off of the girl.

"What the hell are you doing in the middle of the road! Can't you see that this lady doesn't  want this?! And stop causing trouble for your sparrow!" Tanjiro ranted at the blond haired boy.

"Ah, the uniform! You're both from the Final Selection..." The blond haired boy pointed out, causing (Y/N) to nod.

"I definitely don't know a guy like you! Definitely don't!"

"Eh——! We've met before though, we really have met! You've got memory issues!"

Tanjiro and the boy argued back and forth as (Y/N) facepalmed, walking up to the other girl.

"Alright, miss, you should probably hurry on back home. We can take it from here." (Y/N) smiled at her, causing her to sigh gratefully, bowing her head lightly.

"HEY! She still needs to marry me, she likes me!" The blond haired boy screeched, only for a tick mark to appear on the girls' head.

"Shame on you! When did I ever say I liked you! I only talked to you because I thought you were sick when I saw you squatting on the side of the road!!"

"Doesn't that mean that you talked to me because you're worried about me because you like me?!"

"That's completely impossible, I have a fiancé already! I see that you're really energetic already, so you should be fine. Let's never see each other again!"

And with that, the girl stormed off, leaving the blond haired boy dumbstruck, before he turned towards (Y/N) and Tanjiro.

"Why did you have to come and mess with...WHAT SORT OF AN EXPRESSION IS THAT?!" The blond haired boy pointed at the two incredulously.

(Y/N) just looked away, trying to hold in his laughter, but you could hear his chuckles every few seconds as Tanjiro just stared at the boy in disgust.

"DON'T DO THAT—! DON'T USE THOSE EYES TO LOOK AT ME LIKE YOU WOULD SOME OTHER CREATURE! AND YOU, DON'T LAUGH AT THIS! IT'S YOU GUYS' FAULT I DIDN'T GET MARRIED!" The blond haired boy pointed at the two in his rage, causing (Y/N) to howl with laughter as Tanjiro's disgust only intensified.

"STOP LAUGHING! AND YOU, SAY SOMETHING!" The blond boy screeched at the two, (Y/N) wiping tears from his eyes as he calmed himself.

"I'm about to die!! I'll definitely die the next time I'm on a job!! I'm super weak, and don't think I'm exaggerating! You need to protect me before I finally get married." The boy cried as (Y/N) and Tanjiro snapped out of their own stupors.

"My name is Tanjiro Kamado, and this is my older brother-"

"(Y/N) Kamado, yo."

Tanjiro began as (Y/N) finished, introducing themselves.

"Is that so!! I'm sorry. My name is Agatsuma Zenitsu! Help me, Tanjiro, (Y/N)!" Zenitsu cried as he grasped the two's haori's.

"But why? You're so strong, you should easily be able to defeat most demons." (Y/N) asked, confused. During the time he'd spent down in the labyrinth, (Y/N) had easily been able to identify how strong a person was based on their aura alone, and this boy's aura was around the same level as Tanjiro's- and he was more than capable of taking care of himself.

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