New Beginnings

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A/N: Hey guys. Just wanted to have a quick PSA about this book.

I just recently watched an interview with Hayley Atwell from when she was at D23 and people are really attacking her for her believing that her character has always been the one that belonged with Steve. And the lady has a point. Peggy was such an idol and example to Steve in ways no one else was, and I really do believe that if given the chance, Steve would've gone back. And you can always dm me if you want a further explanation.

Also, I'm not planning on degrading her character in this book to a love interest like some believe was done in Endgame, nor am I going to try to convince the people that disagree with the ending to read this. I am just filling in the gaps and continuing their heartfelt story that started decades ago. I wanted to do these characters justice, and I hope that when this book ends, you feel like their story is truly complete. I love all of my readers and the last thing I want is to offend people with the decisions I make in it. Rant over, and enjoy this overdue chapter. XxLauren_Luv 💗💗

§New  Beginnings§
p.o.v: Peggy

My ride to the Bell Company from the airport was a bumpy one, mixed with the moist stench of leather and the suffocating aroma of smoke that was coming from the driver's seat. The car seemed to have lost all of it's suspension equipment back in its early days, for every time we ran over a pot hole, it was the equivalent of running over a dead body.

"Hang in there, sweetheart," The large bald man said to me through the rear view mirror as he gripped the side of the wheel and lurched it to the side, and I fought the need to throw up. The sticky heat inside the cab made the windows fog up, and all the air that entered my throat seemed to taste sickly and used. One turn after another we went, and when the yellow piece of junk finally stumbled to a stop, I wouldn't have been surprised if we had ended up on the south side of the Bronx.

The heavy-weighted man exerted a puff of smoke. "Aright, New York Bell Company?"

My words overlapped with a cough that suddenly ripped through my chest. "Yes, yes, thank you." I reached to grab my things.

"Why would a pretty tourist like you wanna go to a phone company?" He asked with the cigar clenched between his teeth, and I scowled as I caught onto his tone and realized he must've made an assumption about my accent.

"I'm not a tourist," I bit back as I shoved on my silk gloves that I had previously taken off upon entering the hot cab. "I used to work here."

"Yeah right," the man protested just as I flung open the heavy metal door, itching to relieve myself of its bondage. I was about to stand when I suddenly found myself looking down at a large pair of black dress shoes. Angling my head upward cautiously, I found myself looking at largely built agent whose blazer was flapping open in the wind and revealing a silver pistol tucked within.

"Director Carter," the man boomed as he reached out to take my purse and luggage bag. "We've been expecting you."

Mouth parted slightly in shock, and I let him take my bags as I was met with a strong gust of dry freezing wind. It was the kind of wind that blew with purpose, warning of something to come, and combined with the rolling grey sky, snow seemed to be in our midst.

The agent's face looked to be in a state of unease as he gestured behind me to the double doors where a dark-haired man was standing. "If you'll follow Agent Hill, he'll lead you inside where a debriefing has just started."

My mind was still wrapping itself around the fact that at one point I had been treated like I didn't exist here, and now it seemed like I was the celebrity guest. "Yes," I started to say, but then I realized I had forgotten to pay the taxi driver. "Wait, a-actually.." I got my purse back from the agent and fished out a couple of bills, craning back inside the cab to pay the driver, who's face looked even more bewildered than mine had been.

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