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This pretty much sums up my feelings right now. ⬆️👌🏻XxLauren_Luv

p.o.v: Peggy

He said the words like he was speaking a different language. "You're...married."

"Engaged," I said softly, not daring to meet his eyes in fear of seeing the pain that was most definitely swimming through them.

If my correction was supposed to make the news more digestible, it failed. All it did was make his eyebrows quirk a bit, and he continued to stare at the small ring that was sparkling innocently on my finger. It felt like my head was about to explode; the only people that now knew of my engagement were me, the fiancé, and the man I was in love with who was supposed to have died three years ago.

My fingers seemed to burn from his touch now as he looked at my ring, still trying to believe his own eyes. The words that came out of his mouth seemed auto-generated and stale. "I'm happy for you, Peg," he said, choking on my name and weakening his hold on my hand.

I finally looked up at him and saw his expression displaying everything but happiness. His cheeks burned red and the areas around his eyes looked irritated as if he were trying to hold back his tears. The light in his eyes had gone out, and now they just looked... empty.

Refusing to believe this was all happening, I shook my head and squeezed his hands, darting my eyes around his heartbroken face. "How are you here, Steve?" I asked in bewilderment.

He exhaled like my words had just cut into him deeper, words forming on his mouth but failing to say them. Then a moment later, he stopped, looking from the ground and back onto my face. He seemed to be in a daze. "I can't tell you that now."

I frowned, thinking over his words for a second but then finally understanding where we were. A public train station probably wasn't best to explain why America's most famous soldier was suddenly back in the flesh. "Right. Well..." I trailed off as I looked around, the trains and the people finally coming back into focus. I turned back towards my spot on the bench and saw my postcard still laying there patiently waiting to be mailed. My suitcase with my disguise inside sat there next to it, and I realized I was going to have miss my trip to Arizona. In fact, my whole entire world that, five minutes ago was spinning normally, was now at a complete and utter standstill.

I looked at my luggage, thinking. "I believe I know somewhere we can go. I haven't been there in a spell, but," I inhaled and turned back towards him, startling myself a bit over the fact that he was still standing there. "I'm not the..." I tried to get a hold of myself. "I'm not the only one who will want to know you're alive." I suddenly became faint. Had I seriously just said those words?

He nodded, picking up his suitcase and the bouquet of flowers that he dropped when he scooped me up in his arms. He hesitated, but then smiled sadly. "Here," he said, offering me the flowers. "These belong to you."

I felt a pang in my heart as I took the beautiful white flowers, holding them closer to my face and letting their sweet fragrance drift into my nose. I smiled a little. "How did you know these were my favorite flowers?"

"I actually followed my gut on this one," he replied, a hint of a smile forming on his lips but then disintegrating.

I gazed at him, shaking my head in disbelief. I finally tore my eyes away from him to walk back towards the bench, but I had to refrain from turning back around, as if fearful that if I looked away for one moment, he would be gone the next.


p.o.v: Steve

I was one second away from pinching myself as I waited to cross 13th street alongside Peggy Carter. I gripped the handle of the suitcase in my hand tighter as my sweaty palms made it slippery. She was staring straight ahead, and I could see her chest moving up and down rapidly as if we had just run a marathon, but we were standing still.

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