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Welcome to another chapter

Hope you enjoy!!!✌

Valencia's POV:

I woke up in a dark quiet and awful smelling place whatever I was sleeping on was very uncomfortable, it felt like the ground. My feet felt weird because of my heels unbuckling then i set them in a corner.

My hands felt very heavy and they had a very cold object on them.

Where was I?

The only thing I remember was being brought to a bamboo covered hole in the ground.

Then fighting the guards and one of them sneaked behind me knocked me out.

The ugly bastard.

Try to get up and search for an exit but as I was about to get close to the light I saw in the sky I was yanked back in place.

The bastards put me in shackles. What was I some criminal, and even criminals were treated better than this?.

At least they got a bed and food.

I got nothing but the ground, no food or blanket and I was cold dirty and hungry

You're always hungry.


Running my hand's through my hair I felt for my hairpins I normally have in their

Never know when you wanna pick a lock or clean your ears.

When I finally reached the hairpin i pulled it out my hair and twisted around to start picking the lock.

When the shackles fell to the ground I looked around. How was I going to get past those bars

Just one thing after the other

Feeling for the hairpin again.

I picked it up and put my hand through the bars and felt for the keyhole.

(A/N: I don't know how to pick locks and did want to google it so whatever.)

the grills opened and I held them tightly and pushed slowly so they didn't make a sound.

When the grill opened I got on my knees and started to crawl to the entrance or the hole I was in.

One my head hit the wall I knew I made it to the entrance using the wall to help me to stand and felt for the stairs.

Once my hands reached the stairs then I remembered my clothes.

So I turned back to get some of them.

Feeling the walls I located them and took up a backpack and threw it over my shoulders and began to journey to the entrance.

Climbing the stairs I pushed my head up the bamboo the covered the whole was unto of my head I began to look around and for guards when I saw no one was around I pushed the bamboo cover off my head and began to run to the forest located in the woods.

One I reached the tree lines I started to pick up speed in case they found out I escaped, the bag on my back slowed me down and made my shoulders hurt.

I noticed the trees grew thicker meaning I was deep in the woods I slowed down

What did they say in that survival video, look for water first?

I started to wander aimlessly looking for a water source.

Then I heard the faint sound of water falling

A waterfall

Walking towards the sound as it got louder. I stumbled into the clearing and there was a small spring looking around i looked for somewhere to sleep because of the sun setting at a rapid pace i looked across the river and saw a cave putting the bag across my bell and chest i began to cross the river.

The current pushed at my feet, the waster was at my waist and i was almost at the shore of the other bank.

When i reached the other side i sat the bag on my back and begin to make my way to the cave.

At the entrance of the cave, i set my bag down and went back to the river to search for quartz stones .one i found two i set them down and began to look for firewood.

Stumbling back to the cave i set the firewood down and took u the dried leaves and broken twigs in the middle of the wood Took up. the two stones and began to strike them against each other until i saw sparks of fire.

With the fire started i looked up in the sky to see the moon rising to its place in the sky taking up a piece of wood with fire on it and began to go deeper in the cave when i heard a growl.

What the hell is that

Putting the flames in front of me i looked around and i saw a wolf and her cubs.

But the mother wolf had a deep round on her shoulder and one of her legs where broken

She was dying.


                   Unknown POV

"Sir, the prisoner has escaped into the woods."

So she fell for my trap and escaped

"Send word to all the generals tell them the hunt gas began and not to harm or kill the prey".

Let's see how long you can last with my best generals looking for you.


The end of another chapter

Hope you enjoy





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