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                  Chapter 1

Valencia's pov

Looking around at the endless sea of Asian people, I was at a loss for words. I was the only black person for miles.

Thinking that it was a dream and that it was an illusion.

'I must have hit my head too hard when the car crashed into the water'. I thought to myself.

I went back to the reck of a car I owned

Opened up the dented door and sat on the wet car seat reminding me that I was dripping wet and needed to change my clothes.

Reaching into the back seat of my car I took out the clothes I had in the bag inspecting them they were still dry.

Thank God for that all I had to do was find somewhere to change.

Looking out the window of the car the Asian people were still there looking at me.

I opened the door with my clothes in hand and as I took a step they took a step back from me.

So I walked to one of the buildings and as I did the people made a path for me so I walked straight up to the inn looking building.

I took a step inside the building and went to the front desk to ask for a bedroom and some food my credit card in hand.

I saw an older looking man sitting on a chair behind the table.

"Excuse me, sir, could you please tell me how much it costs for a room".

He looked up at me with a puzzled expression

" 4 gold coins", he croaked out.

I handed him my black card.

"That should cover it", I said looking around at the interior of the building.

" I only take gold.No gold no room, ".he said handing back the card to me.

" I'll be back with the gold in a moment ". I told him setting down my bag and going back to my car for the rest of my luggage, and a gold bangle for payment for the room.

The people were still there in the middle of the road not able to mind their own business.

Opening the trunk of my car I pulled out the rest of my luggage and headed back to the building.

Pulling out bag with my jewellery and accessories I pulled out the gold bracelet that my ex bought me for my Christmas present.

" will this cover it for 2 weeks". I asked,

"No one week ", he replied

" how about 1 week and 6 days this jewellery was crafted by a master and
Is Gucci so that makes it even more expensive".

'I hope this man believes me cause I need somewhere to sleep'. I taught to myself cause I never heard of Gucci gold.

"1 week and 3 days last offer", he said.

" Deal ", I replied

He got up from his seat and took the bracelet from my hands and motioned for me to follow.

One we were on the second floor he opened a door that led to a colourful ensuite then left.

Stepping inside I slide the door closed and dropped my luggage on the floor and inspected the room it had one bed a tub and a closet and a fur mat.

Taking off my clothes I put on a training bra and some Broadway shorts and jumped on the bed and fell asleep.

Only to be awakened by the sound of footsteps pounding against the wooden floors and the boor was slid open by some ninja looking men who surrounded my bed and pulled out swords aimed at me.

" there she is the demon " shouted the inn master.

Me demon the most have me and my brother mixed up I'm not as wicked as he is.

"There must be some mistake who are you and why the hell did I do to you. "

They pulled me out of the bed and when the did the all started to blush why I don't know

"Put on some clothes you will not seduce us demon." Said one of the ninja dudes.

So I got up went into one of my suitcases and pulled out ripped jeans and a crop top and wedge heels and went into the bathroom and close the door.

Looking in the mirror I was not a skinny person I was myself has slim thick.

When I was finished getting ready I went into my bag and pulled out a gold chain with the guards still watching me putting it around m neck I was done.

"I'm done", I said letting my hair loose and it fell to my back in tangled curls.

They all looked at me as I walked down the stairs my heels crashing against the floors as I walked.

Once I was outside I stood in front of a carriage.

" We are going to the imperial palace try anything and you'll regret it ". Said one of my captors.


End of chapter one

See you next week


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