4| Let's Explain

46 13 15

This one is by rabecha7777

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Ivve always been more of a logical thinker so while everyone was getting to know each other (or getting to know themselves for Robert, Lexi, Scarlett, and Chris), I left and went to Tom's room to organize all th information we had.

I started a list of everything we knew:

1. Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff are from the MCU universe. They were in the soul world when they found a special stone that allowed them to jump into the real universe (ours)

2. Morgan Stark and Steve Rogers found a lead that made them believe Tony and Nat were still alive and were trying to find a way to save them when they came across a similar stone which also transported them into our universe

3. The stones can't take them back because we've already tried that. 

4. We have to find a way to send them back because they are literally identical to Robert, Scarlett, Chris E, and Lexi and we can't have them running around our world since it would cause too much confusion. Plus, they have family and friends back home who need them

It helped me to organize everything but after rereading the list i realized that there really isnt that much that we know. We know how they got here and that we have to send them back but we have no way of doing that.

"Hey darling what're you up to? Robert is out there freaking out about meeting Tony.. I'm worried he'll have a heart attack" he laughed a little

I jumped slightly at his voice because I was so focused on finding a solution. "Oh my God Tom, you scared me" I looked over my shoulder and saw that he was leaning against the door frame watching me.

"Sorry love" He laughed, walked over to me wrapping his arms around my waist from the back, and placed his lips on my shoulder. "So what are you up to?" He mumbled 

"Oh, I was just organizing what we knew and what we still need to find out" I glanced at my list

He looked in the same direction and released me to read it. "You're always so organized i don't know how you do it" I smiled as he leaned against the desk to read the list. He read it a few times before looking back up at me with his brows furrowed and his bottom lip sucked into his mouth.

"What're you thinking? You always do that when you're thinking hard"

"Do what?" I copied his face from earlier "Huh, I didn't even know I did that.. you know me better than I know myself Meg" 

"Of course I do, you're oblivious about everything" I laughed

He pretended to be hurt and stuck his bottom lip out in a pout. I laughed again and leaned forward to give him a quick peck on the lips. He tried to lean forward for more but I pulled back. "Now tell me what you were thinking"

"No" I raised an eyebrow "not until you give me a proper kiss to make up for insulting me" He smirked. I rolled my eyes but took a step closer anyway. He brought his hands to my hips.

"You are such a child Thomas" I knew he hated it when I called him Thomas

Instead of replying he pulled me against him and kissed me roughly. I forgot all about our previous conversation and immediately buried my hands in his curls kissing him back with the same energy. The list was long forgotten on the desk as Tom pushed me backward toward his bed.

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