3 | What The...

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Hold it right there people...the video contains Endgame and Far From Home spoiler so if you haven't watch one of them...don't watch it... but it's clearly up to you :D


"Sup bitches, how are you?" Nancy asked as her slight British accent echoed around the room, as if on cue, Tom entered the room. "Hey Nancy" Tom said without looking up from his phone "I'm good what about you?"

"Im doing well, bitch." she replied as Meg kissed Toms lips" EEEEWWWW get a fucking room!!" Nancy exclaimed, covering her eyes.

"Then get out of this room!" Meg replied as she pulled away.

"Anyway, we want to talk to you about Robert!" Nancy shouts as Meg and Tom continue kissing.

"Oh I thought for once you are actually going to talk to me like we are friends." Tom pouted."In your fucking dreams bitch" Nancy smirks.

"So whats up with Robert?" Tom asked.Nancy walks around the room to find a place to sit in but fails so she just takes a juice box from the table and sits down crossed legged on the floor as she fiddles with the dyed ends of her hair.

"So.. Rob is acting like he is Tony." Meg says as she tries to find "RDJ" after Nancy's explanation. "Where the hell is he now?"

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH HOLY FUCKING SHIT" They heard a scream and rushed into the other room."What the fuck!" The real Robert shouted.

"Why does he look like me?!" shouted Tony Stark, quite surprised "oh my Thor Peter,hows Morgan and Pep?"

"Oh Loki, it is tony stark" whispered Nancy to Meghan."Hey Robert can you please send Gwenyth the date and time of the next red carpet event?" said a Chris Evans as he entered with Lexi Rabe and Scarlett Johansson.

"Morgan, Steve and- oh my Thor you touched the stone!" Tony shouted

"Daddy!" Morgan shouted and ran to Tony and hugged him while Steve smiled -well ...he is...not old...still the casual Capsicle- "What the crap?!" shouted Chris and Scarlett.

*time skip brought to you by nlilypotter 's laziness*

"So let me get this straight...you touched a weird stone and it brought you here?" Chris questioned.

"Yes" Tony answered. "Nance we need to get him back" said Meghan to Nancy as the brunette nods and gives Tom a look that tells him to call Harrison.

"Do you know where the stone is Tony?" asked RDJ still surprised."Ya its in your kitchen"

"Is it fine if me, Nancy, Harrison, Meghan and Tom come back with you...and probably the whole Marvel cast?" Asked RDJ

"Yeah sure" As they all rushed into the kitchen they found a very gobsmashed looking Natasha and a weird stone that disappeared as she looked at them and shouted "what the FU-"

So Natasha just came...someone care to explain what happend to her? Will they ever find a way back home? Find out in the next chapter :) and I hope you enjoy this one by nlilypotter

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