1 - i want to reforget you

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The ocean breeze was extremely cold as Pha and Beam sat on a log near the shore.

"I think my eyes are playing tricks on me." Beam said almost annoyed.

"What do you mean?" Pha asked as he put his phone back in his pocket, ready to listen. Never has he seen his friend be disturbed like this.

The three of them, Kit, Pha and Beam had drove all the way to the country side to take a short vacation in a beach resort. It was all Beam's idea. He really wanted to get together with his friends for they rarely see each other these days.

Almost three years had passed after they graduated and this was the first time in a long time that they'd get to spend some quality time together.

Pha was now overseeing a few hospitals that his family owns and Kit pursued what he had always loved. Beam was doing well for himself. He recently had another derma clinic opened last week. It was his 7th clinic. He took pride of building something of his own.

"I think.. I think I saw Forth today. I'm not s-sure." Beam's voice was almost fading.

Pha sat up right. Beam had all the reason to be disturbed if that's the case.

"When was the last time you saw him?"

Beam was immediately sent back to his past. The last time? Was it 2 or 3 years ago? He wasn't sure anymore. What he remembers is that he was kneeling on Forth's door, begging him to not leave his life. Beam did things he wasn't proud of. Now it was all but a memory. A memory he wants to erase.

"I don't know Pha." Beam smiled briefly with sadness in his eyes.

That same night Ming had proposed to Kit and they celebrated with a little too much alcohol at a bar near the shore.

Beam drowned himself with the drinks on the table. He and Ming had competed on whoever gets to drink a whole bottle the fastest. It wasn't the fun that Beam was after, he wanted to get wasted. To reforget everything about that man, even just for tonight.

It happened a little too quick, Beam was mumbling incoherent words. Pha sighed not because he knew he would be the one to assist Beam back to his room but because he knew why Beam was acting this way.

Pha had carried Beam who was poking his cheeks the whole time while laughing for no apparent reason.

He placed Beam on to the bed and left to go back for Kit, Ming was too heavy for his friend to carry alone. Pha went into his room and called his Wayo to tell him of today's events.

In Beam's room, a sillouette of a man can be seen sitting on the bed. Staring at the sleeping Beam. The man caressed Beam's face. He stared at his lips, wanting to steal just one kiss.

He remembered that one drunken night back in college when they both crossed the line. Ever since then he chased after Beam. It was Beam that he can only see among the crowd. It was Beam who saw right through his tough exterior, that he was a sensitive man who wants to love and be loved by him.

Along the way he did hurt Beam and it hurt him even more. There was self loathing within him. He resented himself for the actions he took.

He lost him.

And he knows it's way too late now. Beam had already moved on, living his best life. He was well aware of all of it of course, he watched him over these years.

When Ming had asked him to drive to their family resort to meet with his Kit knowing Beam was there, he couldn't pass up the opportunity.

Call it desperation or obsession, he doesn't care. One way or another he wants Beam back. He needs him, he craves for him.

Beam stirred in his sleep putting his arm over his lap while making chewing noises. It made him smile. He can't believed that he would see that again.

He ran his hands through Beam's hair.

"You'll be mine again soon."

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