Rounded Love

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"But," his boss glared at Xiao Chen, and the other looked down at the floor. He could not even speak, though he supposed that was to be expected. He knew what his boss was thinking, he understood. It was a big break for a smaller company like theirs to be recognized by a larger one, and since the only condition they had was wanting him to work for them as apparently it had gotten to them that he was a "hard worker, diligent, good at his job", he really had no choice but to agree to the internship, even if it was put of the country. He did not even know Korean! Well, except first a few phrases. Sighing, he resigned himself to his fate.
Nobody was happy about it. Not his used to be girlfriend turned sister (he was gay, it just did not work out, despite his wish to fulfill his promise to his departed mother), not his brother, or his brother's boyfriend, husband person.
All of them found it sort of sketchy, a bit worrying and incredibly weird. Not to was in a different country, were contact would be difficult, and strained at the best of times. Six months, in South Korea, in some company? Not that it was bad, the company was very well known, and incredibly lucrative, but..It was just unnerving to them. Still, they knew that Xiao Chen needed this. If he did not agree he would have gotten fired. Fired. So, they sent him off, driving him to the airport, with nothing but smiles on their faces, and worry in their hearts. Deep, deep worry.
When Xiao Chen was driven to where he would be meeting the boss of this famous company, he was rather confused. It was not an office, as he expected it to be, not even a work building, but a bright, and beautiful mansion. It looked like a person's home, not a working area.
He had tried to ask the driver something about why they were at a house rather than a working area, only to realize too late that the driver was Korean, and his basic knowledge of hello, goodbye, and I am sorry was certainly not going to cut it when trying to understand whatever nonsense the other told him. The gesture of his hands was more than enough to Xiao Chen though. The driver was indicating him to enter the mansion's perimeter. He felt...nervous about. Something...bad...
Sighing heavily, doomed to simply walk up to the house, he rang the doorbell. He was jittery, nervous. For whatever reason, he was not entirely certain. Perhaps the boss and owner simply wanted to explain to him in detail, and could not do so at the office. Sure, in their own house was a bit...unnerving, but this was Korea, who knew what differences in culture there was.
Nobody answered. He tried again. Still, there was no answer. Annoyed, he knocked, but once more no one deigned to open the door. Glancing around him, he subtly twisted the door knob...unlocked. The door was unlocked.
He was certainly not going to stay standing outside in the cold, especially not since the owner had failed to lock the door. Besides, even if it set his nerves alight with some kind of nervous anxiety, the door was left unlocked for a reason, so he walked in.
The place was huge. Xiao Chen could easily get turned around, and he had not a dime clue where to go. The anxiety in his stomach worsened, drastically.
It was not long that he heard the faint sound of a piano. Exhaling in relief, he decided to try and find the person who was playing. Following the sound, he could not help but marvel at its simplistic beauty. He did not really notice the faint echoes of familiarity in the song. Until he caught sight of a man sitting at the piano.
No matter how long had passed, Xiao Chen would know that back and those shoulders, and that neck anywhere. The bearing, the posture, the way they dressed. It was all adding to one person. One person only.
The handle of his suitcase dropped as he froze in shock. His mouth parted slightly, unable to do anything but stare. The other stopped playing, and turned around to face him, eyes dark. Xiao Chen's eyes widened and he inhaled sharply, taking a quick step backwards.
"I must leave." Xiao Chen whispered to himself, but in the house, it echoed around the room. He had not thought of the acoustics in the room when he had said the words, and so the man heard him, perfectly. The man glared at him.
"Surely, you can be a bit polite, and drink with me, at least, before you leave." Xiao Chen hesitated. Be polite? Polite? As though he had done something wrong? He had been tricked into coming to korea! A whole different country!
He licked his lips, anxiety coursing through him, thrumming in his veins. He knew what would happen if he refused. Of course he knew. Even if he managed to find his way out of the house, the property was huge. He was rich, there was no way Xiao Chen could leave so suddenly. Not to mention the repercussions of saying 'no' to the one before him, he had felt them before, he really did not want to feel them again.
Giving in, the only real option, he gave a curt nod. He was led to the living room, upon which the elder left, returning with two glasses of red wine. Swirling one thoughtfully, he glanced a bit curious, a little surprised at Xiao Chen, before handing it to him.
Xiao Chen did not see his curious and surprised glance. Too busy staring down at his knees. His mind plaguing him, too scared of angering the other to look at him. Only when the glass was basically thrust in his face did he take it, gently, hands shaking, though he did not drink. The other sat on the other couch, watching him. Xiao Chen could feel the eyes on him. He wanted to ask the question, but his body...too wrapped up in all that he had been taught by the other, was nervous of speaking without permission. Glancing, hesitantly, at the other, he managed to push the words through his mouth.
"Why did you deceive me, just to get me here? Why...what use was it?" Xiao Chen asked, voice soft and light, shaking, scared he was about to be hit...for disobedience. Even though he knew, he knew, he was not under the other any more. No more.
"Deceive. Thats a...good word to use." The other hummed. "Good word." He scoffed before downing his liquor. Xiao Chen paused.
"If I..." taking a deep breath Xiao Cjen continued. "Drink this, I may go?" He did not know why he was even asking permission. His mind was too muddled, confused with why he was here. What use was this trick? He glanced at the man besides him who hummed softly, and downed the drink in one. Face twisting, he placed the glass down, standing, and moved towards the door.
But, before he could go very far, he felt a kind of dizziness. Groaning he held his hand to his head. He blinked his eyes rapidly as his body flushed... Confused at the sudden symptom. He stumbled backwards, feeling a bit warm all of a sudden. Upon his stumble his leg hit the couch, causing him to tumble back in the crevice between both couches. Xiao Chen looked at the man, his eyes blurring for a second.
"What did you put in the drink?" He asked, breathless. The man smirked, cruelly.
"What do you think?" He mocked. Xiao Chen whimpered.
"Lu...Lu F-Feng." He yelped, helpless as the other's hand reached down to unbutton the first three of his shirt. Xiao Chen panted, the feather light touch against his skin as the man trailed his fingertips down to unbutton the next button, down to the third, heat flaring through his body. "Wh-Why..." he could not speak more. He whimpered, both fearfully, and in that odd sense of relieve, after the touch. His neck arched as Lu Feng picked up Xiao Chen's glass, and gently tilted it, dripping the remaining remnants onto the other's heated skin. The cold sending flares through his body. Helpless to stop Lu Feng, barely able to even move his own body without extreme effort, as he reached down and rubbed the wine into his flushed skin, and over his left nipple, causing it to rise, and pleasure to rush through his body of it's own accord, Xiao Chen desperately tried to move away, further into the corner. Yet it was found to be in vain. Lu Feng just smirked humorlessly, and grabbed his neck, pulling him forwards roughly. Xiao Chen yelped, body shaking in suddenness of human contact, and fear. Lu Feng looked into his victim's eyes, watching as they dilated, before dropping his hand. Unable to help himself, Xiao Chen moved towards him, curling his arms desperately into it, biting at his knee. Whimpering, his body desperately wanting something, yet at the same time terrified.
Lu Feng pulled out metal cuffs, grabbing Xiao Chen's hands, and ripping them behind his back before pulling him to the table leg, and wrapping his arms around it, holding his wrists together behind the leg, crossing them, before twisting the police cuffs on the male. Xiao Chen yelped, and looked up at Lu Feng with pleading eyes, but Lu Feng merely laughed at him, cruelty and anger in his eyes.
"Look at you," he whispered softly, demeanor suddenly different, almost kind, in whatever cruel way that was, almost soft, crouching down in front of the younger. "So...desperate." he whispered, gently caressing the space left open by the man's opened shirt. Xiao Chen felt water fill his eyes. "Helpless..." he muttered under his breath, closing his eyes and breathing in as he trailed his hand around the other's collarbone, and base of his neck. He scoffed. "So unfortunate. I must go for a walk, things to do after all." He stood once more, pausing as he made to leave, Xiao Chen let out a whine. "There is the camera, so don't try to struggle too much." Before he left Xiao Chen tied to the table leg, uncomfortable, unbearably hot, his body flushed with arousal, and judging by how quickly the drug worked, it would be a while before it flushed its way through his system. Still, tugging on the binds he tried to do something, anything, but he was stuck. He was helpless, could not move, could not touch anything, his body strunng expertly in such a way that he could do nothing. Left, hopeless, escapeless, and in tears of frustration, fear, and anger towards himself. Stuck waiting until Lu Feng returned. Hopefully to have mercy on him. Somehow, he did not think things would go as he hoped.

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