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Xiao Chen had ever intention of being good. Beyond the fact that he was almost certain there was going to be nothing good about this, he knew better than to question Lu Feng. He was volatile, and far worse than what Xiao Chen had expected. Of course, he should have suspected that when the other had run over his brother with his car rather than just asking Xiao Chen who he was with, or even suspecting that the person he hung out with regularly was his brother and not some random guy. Xiao Chen still was irritated over that. His brother had been almost permanently crippled all because Lu Feng jumped the gun. The fact that Lu Feng was even willing to run someone over just because Xiao Chen spent what he deemed 'too much' time with them was horrifying. It had also been a wake up call, that Lu Feng was not the person that Xiao Chen wanted to be associated with.

Not that it did him any good. He had already woken the beast, and now he was paying for it...dearly. The most he could do is hope against hope that his brother would not be involved. Nor his wife...or daughter, especially. Xiao Chen was deeply worried for his daughter. Lu Feng had to know that he had one, in fact he would not put it past the man to have been keeping strict tabs on him since Xiao Chen had walked out of his life, the first, the second, and even the third time. Xiao Chen should have just cut his losses the first time, but his heart had been weak. Now look where it gave him? A hostage situation, and fear for his daughter. Not exactly the most wonderful thing, he had to admit.

It was a good thing that he had someone to think of, otherwise he was certain that he would be lured into Lu Feng's trickery. His Daughter was a good sanity holder. Xiao Chen just hoped that Lu Feng would leave her alone long enough for his wife and daughter to run away. Hopefully perhaps his brother will...will notice something was up, maybe not...well Xiao Chen did make a habit of trying to communicate, whether it was allowed or not. Still, Lu Feng's plot was quite thorough. Xiao Chen had no way to get a hold of anyone in his previous life, and no case could be held anytime soon. He could only hope...but he had a feeling that perhaps hope was useless. Perhaps he should avoid thinking of his daughter and wife, and even his brother. His associations with them could not be figured out by Lu Feng. If he got too distracted...well Xiao Chen worried about the consequences of that. While their memories kept his sanity and mind in check, perhaps it was too dangerous to think of them too much. Lu Feng was dangerous, and he had a nasty habit of knowing what Xiao Chen was thinking of...at all times.

"You've been rather good today," Lu feng stated, staring down at him. The man had reattached him to the posts on either side of the bed, leaving Xiao Chen heaving and tears pricking his eyes. Yet, he had not fought Lu Feng this time...not as he normally did. He had simply allowed his mind to drift off, to wander. It was lucky enough that it was not caught that his mind was not entirely in the game. Otherwise, he shuddered to think what concoctions Lu Feng would have employed to keep him focused on the pain and humiliation. "It is almost surprising, but I suppose you are looking forwards to my little surprise." Actually, I am dreading it. Any surprise by you could not possibly be a good thing. Xiao Chen thought inwardly, shoving his face into the pillow to avoid letting Lu Feng see the thoughts pass through his features. Tears finally fell from his eyes and dripped onto the pillow his face was shoved in. The pain was beginning to overwhelm him, and he was not stupid enough to take the medication that Lu Feng offered.

It could be whatever it was that Lu Feng had given him in the first place, and the older man had shown quite clearly that he had no problem with drugging Xiao Chen if it suited his purpose. "Xiao-ah, please, inform me...what is wrong?" Xiao Chen's muscles shuddered. There was no good way to answer that question, and how had the other even known he was feeling upset? He felt anxious, and upset, and even more fearful of what would happen if he dared to say what was truly upsetting him. This is the fucking problem with Lu Feng. Xiao Chen thought to himself desperately. He always figures things out in the worst possible time, and jumps to things without giving me a chance to truly think about the response. Not that I think he would really give a shit anyways.

"I-I am just in a bit of pain," Xiao Chen whimpered, his words slightly muffled from the pillow. Lu Feng laughed, making Xiao Chen's very bones shiver. He could not believe Lu Feng was laughing about this...and he was not sure he wanted to get into that more.

"That is such an easy fix my darling." Lu Feng said, his words dark and promising. Xiao Chen inwardly cursed himself. He was hoping to avoid being drugged again, but it would seem, as with everything lately, nothing was going his way. Still, being drugged was better than the alternative-Lu Feng figuring out his true fears and what was really upsetting him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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