Chapter 15: Curses

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Snow awoke the next morning to the sun hitting her in the face. Groaning she sat up and stretched only to freeze midway. She stared back at the window in confusion. The sun was shining brightly, but that was not the source of her growing worry. She jumped out of bed, ran across the floorboard barefooted to the window where her fears were confirmed. For the sun was at its peak. 

"I overslept!" She exclaimed. With a jolt, she got dressed and ran out. She sprinted down the hall, clambered down the grand staircase. She was at the door when she felt her body hit a brick wall. Startled, she snapped backwards and landed on her back with a thud. 

"What on earth?" She mutter, rubbing her poor skull.  Groaning, she raised her head just a shadow cast on her face. There stood Robin. He was leaning against a pillar with an apologetic look shimmering in his dark eyes. 

She rose to her feet to approach him but she felt her feet involuntarily root her to the ground. 

"What is happening to me?" 

Panicking she looked at Robin for guidance, but Robin only sighed. 

"I am sorry Snow, but it is for your own good." She paused. 

"What did you say?" She whispered. She stared at the man, hoping what he said wasn't true. But it was his own silence that confirmed her fears louder than a screaming banshee.

"What did you do?" She asked, feeling a lump form in her throat. 

"I cursed you to obey my wishes." She heard him say ever so gently. 

"Why?" Her voice cracked. He stared at his boots. 

"Why?" She shouted at him.  

"I'm sorry." He said. 


Snow's hand stung when she slapped him. Robin stared at her stunned. He was not boiling with rage, just a dumb surprised look on his face. What did he think would happen after he said that?

 before he turned and walked away.  Suddenly the strong bond she had with him, shattered into broken shards of glass. Creating something icy as a poison in her chest. It boiled in her veins with every step he took further away from her. Until she could no longer compress it. 

"Curse you, Robin!" She screamed, releasing a steady flow of hatred in his direction. When he disappeared from view, she crumpled to the floor, breaking into loud sobs. 

 For the rest of the day, Snow wandered around the castle Searching for an entrance that was not cursed. She found none. She was mumbling to herself in the courtyard when she felt a light tap on her shoulder. She looked up to see a little girl with a small basket. 


"Is something wrong your highness?" Snow eyes darkened. 

"Very." The little girl gave her a sympathetic look. 

"Would you like a pie to cheer you up?" Snow heart flickered,  warming her soul. But the reminder of Robin's betrayal froze it up again.

"Thanks, but no." She said looking away.

"Please?" The little girl pleaded. Snow opened her mouth to say no again but stopped when she saw her fingers reaching for the basket unwillingly.  Eyes wide she stared at her hands as it snatched the basket, opened it up and pulled out the steaming pie. 

The smell of flour, sugar and cinnamon tickled at her nose. However, it was the last familiar scent that sent her body to run cold with fear. 

'What type of pie is this?" 

'Apple." The little girl said nervously, noticing the frightful look on her face. 

"No, no, no!" Snow said she tried to stop her fingers from grabbing the fork in the basket but she could not. She fought to regain control but fail. Tears formed in her eyes as the fork stabbed into the pie, the lift a glistering apple slice tp her mouth. She tried to scream, but her tongue wrapped around the fork. In horror, she felt the piece slide down her throat. 

Suddenly something sticky began to block her windpipe. She coughed but it won't clear. He bent forward, hacking up a storm, Fluids filled up his mouth, spots filled his vision. The more she coughed the further the realization of what was going to happen sank. Headlight and airy, she felt her fingers drop the pie. Far in the distance, she heard it clatter to the ground, blending with a shrill scream.  

Her body hit the ground with a smack. One by one, her limbs turned numb, paralyzed in fear. 

The last thing, her eyes saw before it clouded into darkness, was the little girl's tears streaming down her face and in the far corner, a twisted smile and a pair of haughty eyes piercing down at her soul in victory. 

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