Chapter 1: Gucci Gang.

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A/N: We FINALLY have our first chapter. I'm so excited for this journey with all of you. So above we have our El Montgomery! Her name in real life is Steph Rayner, and I think she's perfect!! I really hope you all enjoy this story.. The song that the chapter is titled for and relates to is linked at the top if you swipe past the picture! please don't forget to vote and comment!

I'm getting a lot of new readers... here's a hint: please don't be an asshole about my main character. El is a bitch for a while and the comments I'm getting are fucking ridiculous. If you don't like a main character who doesn't give in right away don't read my story. Her character development is stellar but don't be a dick to me bc SHES a bitch to Harry. That's all thank you.

I run down the busy street, my heels clicking as I do. Most women would feel uncomfortable running in heels, but I've grown used to it due to the fact that I always think I'll be able to catch a cab in time for work but never do. So here I am, now slowing my pace as I approach the huge office building that's more like a home than my actual apartment is. I hit the button on the elevator, of course a coffee in hand, and an unsuspecting mind. I never really know what I'll be walking into when I come into work, mostly because there's always a new project, a new client... a new star.

I was told there would be someone a little... more important... here today, and as the elevator doors open, I see exactly that. The man himself, my boss' boss' boss. Alessandro Michele, his hair down as seen in about every picture, of course he's clad in all things Gucci too, I mean considering how high up he is I wouldn't expect anything less. He is the creative director of Gucci, any design I make he has either put the idea in my head through his own vision, or he has put his stamp of approval onto it.

    I walk from the elevator, and take in the surroundings of the sleek office space, seeing how everyone else around is acting, and seeing as how everyone is moving around at their same pace, no one batting an eye. I'm guessing they've already been introduced. I've never been one for dancing around things, or being shy, so I step right up to the plate, smiling brightly at the man who is a stranger to me physically, but through emails, I know him better than others would. I extend my hand to him, and he accepts, shaking it firmly.

    "Hello, I'm El Montgomery, head of the special designs team in New York. We've emailed before but it's a pleasure to finally meet you face to face." I speak confidently, and pull my hand back at the same time as him.

    "It's lovely to meet you El Montgomery." His Italian accent is full, just as I imagined it would be. He's a bit taller than me, exactly what I expected he'd be, and I'm happy for that. Most men aren't too much taller than me, considering I'm 5'6" without the heels, but the heels hardly ever come off.

    "Has anyone helped you out? Shown you around?" I ask, setting my binders down on the front desk, freeing myself up a bit. He nods slowly, and I drink my coffee. "Great. I hate to leave so soon without chatting, but I've got a meeting I'm already late for, and from what I've heard from Jaclyn the one in charge... It's pretty important, but I'm guessing you're here on business so I'll see you around?" I ask, watching my assistant take my binders from the front desk, and off to I'm guessing the board room for the meeting.

    "I am the meeting El, I will walk with you." He laughs a bit, he seems kind, and far less intimidating than I thought.

     "Oh, yes sir, that would be perfect." I tell him, waving him to follow me.

    "No need to call me sir, just Alessandro, you've got a hospitality to you El, I like you." He tells me, and I smile to him, knowing I'm putting on a show, but not caring, he likes me, and I'm glad because I need this job.

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