"Extracting" Nightwing...

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And that was so sweet.

I turned away from him as my heart melted into a shameless puddle right after the embarrassment I'd face not too long ago in the closet.

I shook my head slightly to focus, nearly turning back to mouth-yell at Nightwing to "Stop distracting me!" But thank the deity earth people believed in as God that I resisted.

I switch over to using my x-ray vision permanently and began moving forward, pulling Nightwing behind me as I did so.

We made a right into an empty hallway and walked slowly down. The content that Nightwing carried was highly sensitive so we couldn't move faster than an earth slug...em...snail's pace.

I froze as a guard was just about to come up from a hidden left turn. I momentarily let go of Dick's hand, superspeed my way past the guard to bang my hand through a glass window at the other end of the corridor from them, effectively shattering the glass, and coming back and grabbing Dick's hand before it fell to meet his body.

Now some might consider that unbelievably fast, but I felt I moved a tad bit to slow because Dick's hand had begun to fall and he'd registered my absence.

I knew I wasn't and could never be as fast as The Flash (the jury's still out on if Superman is) but I aspire to be and unconsciously knew I was close!

While all these things were happening to me in real-time, for Nightwing and the guard things were probably going supersonic fast.

The guard heard and registered the window glass break right as their body came into view of us from the left turn but then they flung their body away and charged down the corridor to investigate the noise.

I then tug on Dick's hand to move slightly faster than usual for us to move straight down our path, ignoring the left turn and moving down onwards.

I wasn't gonna lie and say the situation wasn't tense, tense enough to cut a fucking knife with!!!

But I could not believe I was pulling things off and the mission was progressing successfully.

Now I wasn't going to declare victory just yet because M'gann had warned me about this scary thing humans called Jinx. I was warned that whatever I did, I DID NOT want to jinx a situation.

And the last thing I wanted now was to invoke jinx before completing my mission.

Jinxing things right now was unacceptable and OUT of the question...


After what felt like 20-45 mins of using x-ray vision, super speed and heat vision. I was dizzy and exhausted.

But I could see the exit of the building in sight and I couldn't give up now!

I began second-guessing not latching shut the door I stored those 5 guards in because I DID NOT think things would take this long!

Goddammit-I NEED TO PEE!!!

I fought back the urge as I let go of Dick's hand for what honestly felt like the 20th time and raced forward to trip a guard down some stairs.

The trip didn't hurt them, seeing as they were fully suited up, but the fall disoriented them a little and allowed us to come out of the alcove we were hiding in and walk passed the flight of stairs and down towards the main lobby.

Where in the home stretch! I gleefully think to myself and throw a triumphant look at Dick.

It was then I noticed his increased pace of breathing. I blink out of my x-ray vision mode, which I was honestly thankful for because navigating with x-ray vision is a level of hellish torture in and of itself... EVERYTHING BLENDS TOGETHER! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IS SOLID AND WHAT ISN'T!? DISTANCE AND SPACE IS A LIEEEE!!!

My Name is Kara Zor-El....and I am SuperGirlUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum