Gertan City

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Route 3 Auragor Farmway (West)

Gertan Route (East)

Route 2 Gertan City Outskirts (South)

Basic Info.

To battle Betty, you have to beat her gym challenge. Which is beating her friends and family in her mansion. After that, you can battle Betty in the Gertan City Gym Stadium. Gym leaders in Jokiro have three or more Pokemon. They only use new Pokemon and Jokiron regional forms during the gym battles to show the player Pokemon they haven't seen before. Or the player character themselves hasn't seen before since they just moved to Alola. They use some older Pokemon when you battle them again later on.


Betty's Mansion/Gym Challenge

Gym Stadium

Pokemon Center

Clothing Store

Hair Salon

Gertan City Restaurant

Police Station

Fire Station

Apartment Buildings

Gertan City Hotel

Gertan City Gym Trainers (Betty's Family and Friends)

Mr. Autry Bertran

Trainer Class - Teacher

Personality - A kind and gentle person who loves normal types and to teach students about Pokémon.

Design - Autry has short curly blonde hair, blue eyes, and light skin. He's a bit taller than Betty.


Betty Bertram (Wife)

Brendan Bertram (Son)

Mori Martin (Father in Law)


Lance Lamp

Chris Clock

Felicia Lamp

Mrs. Maddy Peters

Chester Peters

Pokémon Team (In the Gym)

1. (Male) Level 12 Chipinary

2. (Male) Level 12 Rattata

Pokémon Team (Rematch/Main Team)

1. (Male) Chince - Mega Chince

2. (Male) Raticate






Trainer Class - High School Student

Personality - A friendly high school student who hopes to one day become a gym leader just like his mother.

Design - He has short messy brown hair, green eyes, and light skin. He wears black oval shaped glasses and is a bit taller than the player.


Betty Bertram (Mother)

Autry Bertram (Father)

Mori Martin (Maternal Father)

Mallory (Girlfriend)


Elliot/Ellie McCosmic (Player)

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