Chapter 17

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We found a humongous dark blue octopus with way too many eyes, and they are really creepy. Someone cut them all making green blood spew from them and it made the monster move around its tentacles frantically causing more damage to the city.

"I will lift it up." Tatsumaki informed me and I nodded as she lifted it up easily.

I got all kinds of metal scraps together making a giant sword, it looks mostly rusty and the blade is very dull, but I was able to cut the whole thing in half easily. She crushed it into the ball and dropped it to the floor.

"Why are you all fooling around here!?" Tatsumaki shouted at some Class A heroes. "Especially you Flashy Flash! You are S class you need to do better so useless!" She didn't let any of them talk.

"How dare you steal my kill, do you think you're stronger than me?!" Flashy Flash yelled at her.

She was already gone and didn't hear what he said. I looked around for more monsters, but I got a call again saying they were all defeated or ran away, so I went home. I found Saitama and King on the way home and jumped off the metal plate and landed on Saitama's back.

"How was the martial arts competition?"I asked him as he gave me a piggyback ride.

"Boring." He told me honestly.

"Just like your haircut." I hummed.

"I don't have hair." Saitama mumbled confused.

"Yeah, no hair boring." I explained.

There has been news of a monster association. "Couldn't they have come up with a better name." I mumbled as my phone rung.

"I have important things to do, I can't fight." I said straight into the phone.

"It's Child Emperor, sorry if I interrupting something." He apologised sincerely.

"Oh no, I'm just categorizing the sweets I have and planning for when I'm gonna eat them." I gave him my full attention. "I loved those sweets you sent me."

"That's good, I wanted to ask you about what you think of the other S class heroes." He told me with a serious voice.

"Well, most of them are interesting people, but have way too big of egos or just don't care about what happens to other people." I explained.

"I had a talk with Metal Knight, he doesn't care about the hostage that the monster association has, he says they should just nuke the area." I could tell how annoyed he is with Metal Knight.

"TRASH DAY!! AVA! TAKE THIS BAG WE HAVE TO PUT IT OUT NOW!!" Saitama ran out of the kitchen.

"I have to go my uncle is about to crack like an egg, I'm sure they will save the hostage so don't worry about it too much, bye." I told him as Saitama was tapping his foot impatiently.

"Okay, thanks for listening, bye." He hung up and I lifted up the bag with my telekinesis and Saitama broke the door while trying to open it.

As we ran outside a lot of monsters were in the way. Saitama punched them all and I burned them so their bodies won't smell later. "Why are they here?" I asked as they burned.

"Ava, the garbage truck will show up any second!!" Saitama grabbed me. "YOU MADE THE BAG GO ON FIRE AS WELL!!" He screamed.

We went to King's place the next day, and they played against each other on fighting games while I looked through some of the portable ones he has and found one that looks interesting and played it.

"THIS GAME IS!-" Saitama shouted then stopped making me look up at him and I found him staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"I didn't swear in front of you." He sighed in relief. "Your mother would have killed me." He shivered.

"What's this?" Saitama picked up something that I have one of.

"Oh, those were given to a handful of heroes. It's a terminal for receiving the latest intel and backup requests." King explained.

"I didn't get one." Saitama informed King.

"I guess they thought you can't handle buttons." King teased him pushing Saitama's button.

"One more time!" Saitama grabbed the controller and fought against King again.

Of course, he lost again and took his anger out on the floor and smashed through it getting himself stuck. "I let you have a chance, did you have fun?" King teased Saitama.

I pulled Saitama back up his head was covered with veins popping out. "Games are stressful!" King's phone rang and so did mine.

"Hello." I answered and put it on my shoulder to hold it to my ear as I kept playing the game again, they needed me to go fight the person that is a self-proclaimed monster, but S Class heroes were already heading there.

"Let's go kill some monsters!" Saitama shouted wanting to take his anger out on them.

"They have S class heroes heading there, they will take care of them before we get there." I told him as I hung up the phone.

He fell to the ground defeated. "Don't you have a lot of dead monsters by your house? it isn't sanitary." King reminded Saitama.

"Ava burnt them." He mumbled. "Ava, why is it that your fire never spontaneously happens here?"

"This place is relaxing and it's disrespectful to do that I'm a guest here." I explained.

"YOU BURN MY HOUSE ON PURPOSE!!" Saitama yelled at me.

"Sometimes." I mumbled.

We got another call to back up Genos, Bang and his brother, they are fighting against Centichoro. I got a piggyback from Saitama and I used my power on King's bike as he is sitting on it, so he could keep up with us. It was so fast he was screaming for most of the way there.

We found the monster in the forest. "Gross." I commented since I don't like bugs.

"Centichoro! You pest!" King shouted at it with a megaphone.

"Don't piss your pants this time." I warned him.

"I brought you Blast! The person you are looking for!" King yelled.

"Is it interested in his body?" I asked and King gave me a weird look. "Someone was interested Uncle's before, they really wanted him."

"I don't need any more information." King stopped me from saying any more.

The thing turned towards us. "Blast?" It asked.

"Yes the one you pissed yourself running away from, come over here if you wanna fight him!" King started to get scared.

I took the megaphone off him. "What you scared?! Even I could kick your ass, you two-faced bitch!" I yelled.

"No swearing Ava!" Saitama yelled at me.

"Well, it worked." The thing came straight towards us.

"Saitama!?" King yelled while crying since the thing will kill us in a millisecond or so.

The thing was one punched by Saitama. "Genos!?" I shouted seeing him naked with Bang and his brother.

"Saitama, you look refreshed." King commented.

"Yeah, I blew off some steam, I was annoyed with losing against you at video games." Saitama explained.

"You don't have anymore popping veins, you look more like an egg again." I commented and a vein popped out.

"Master Saitama, Ava. there is something I want to ask you?" Genos came up to us.

"What's up?" Saitama said relaxed.

"What do you think I'm lacking?" He asked us seriously.

"Clothes." I answered.

"Probably power." Saitama added.

"Thank you very much!" Genos shouted and King is standing there dumbfounded.

"Let's go home." Saitama suggested.

"I wanna get lollipops on the way back." I added.

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