Chapter 6

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We got home to find Genos waiting in front of the door. "Genos!" I ran over and Saitama unlocked the door not even speaking to him, he seemed frustrated and sad.

We walked in and told Genos we fought someone, he was pretty worried that the guy will come back. "Don't worry, Uncle just has to watch out for his balls." I reassured him, and he was even more confused.

Genos was gonna ask Saitama why, but he saw a gloomy aura around him. "You have been silent ever since we ran into that guy. What's wrong?" I sat down at the table on the floor.

"No one knows who I am." Saitama answered while glaring at the table.

"Huh?" Genos let out surprised.

"I have defeated so many monsters and been a hero for three years, but no one ever recognises me." Saitama explained.

"Wait, master, are you registered with the hero association?" Genos asked him, and we don't know what it is so he got the laptop and went onto the internet then the hero association website.

It was about taking a test at a local branch of the hero association, if you score more than the average you will be allowed to officially call yourself a hero. You will be called a pro and you will also get paid.

"I had no idea." Saitama admitted. "Genos, are you registered?"

"No." He answered.

"Then register with me and I will make you my disciple, and Ava you to, then we can get more money." Saitama is smiling happily now.

We registered, and they don't put in any restricts of being too young to become a hero, so I can register as well and I wanna use the money for sweets.

We got the applications and Saitama is helping me fill it out. He fell back onto his futon with a serious expression, so I got his pillow and shoved it in his face and I landed on top of him while holding it down. "Take that!" I laughed.

He easily got it off and tried to stop me, so I used my telekinesis to lift the quilt up and wrap him up in it.

I then ran for it around the room and lifted up all over cushions as projectiles against him as he escaped the quilt. "I'm gonna catch you." Saitama warned me, if he threw a pillow at me I would die so he is catching me instead.

He won in the end and it was quite quick, but he held back in the beginning then got annoyed that he is losing and used his real speed to catch me.

"Yeah, you definitely want to lose against someone." I mumbled annoyed that I lost.

"I'm not losing against you." He informed me and I laughed at how fun that was and how I already want to challenge him again.

It was the day of the exam, and I was the only kid there. I kept with Saitama and Genos because the men there were glaring and sneering at us, but it didn't help that Saitama was in a speedo. I don't get why he is wearing one and I'm not gonna ask.

I used my telekinesis on some panel thing I found to use for the side steps and the 1500 meter run, I just sat on top of it. In shot-put, I just threw it and have it go on forever with my power until it got out of range, but that's really far away, so I hope it didn't hit anyone or they will definitely be dead.

In vertical jump, I levitated myself up on the panel and found Saitama with his head stuck in the ceiling, so I moved the metal around his neck, and he fell back down and gave me a thumbs up for helping him.

Whack a mole was one of the tests and I just lifted the mallet with my telekinesis and got them all. For the punching machine I put a piece of metal in front of my hand and launched it forward with my hand and broke the machine, but not as much as Saitama did.

For the writing test I put what they would want a person to say.

Someone took me away to a dark room with Genos and I held onto his hand for comfort and he was cautious of the people, they asked us random questions. "We have one final question for you both." They put down an image of the house of evolution.

"We have been investigating a group of troublemakers, and we found the building was mysteriously gone and is all the way out here." They showed a picture of the top of the building in space.

"Oops." I laughed nervously.

"Was this you two?" They showed another picture of the place where it was obliterated by Genos.

"Yeah sorry, my power must have gone out of control at that moment." I laughed, this isn't the first time I accidentally sent something into space, but it's the biggest thing yet.

"I did, why?" Genos asked with no emotion.

They all smiled, but didn't say anything else except that we can leave the room.

We are in the locker room waiting for the results. "Wait, so your naked right now?" I asked Genos as I stared at him.

"Yes." He answered.

"Shouldn't something be there?" I pointed at his crotch.

"STOP IT!!" Saitama interrupted us by breaking the door to his locker accidentally.

We got our results and Genos is an S class and Saitama opened his one slightly showing what looks like a top of an S.

"As expected." Genos smirked proudly. "What did they ask you at the interview?"

Saitama was confused, so he must have not had one. "I guess they didn't need to interview you." Genos speculated and Saitama was standing by the window for some reason.

"You okay?" I asked, and he turned to us with a sad smile and held out his results showing he is C class.

I opened my one and it showed I'm a S class and Saitama fell to his knees after seeing it.

Genos went over and scanned Saitama's one seeing how we mistook it for an S. "STOP IT!!" Saitama yelled at him.

Genos was gonna make a complaint about it, but we stopped him and heard an announced for the people who passed to go to a room. It was just us and some creepy looking guy who is a hero, but I have never seen him before. Saitama gave me some gum to chew because I got bored quickly.

The creepy hero lectured us. "Don't ignore me child." He stood up on his desk, I just flipped it over with my power, and he fell to the ground in pain.

Saitama's bubble gum popped and wrapped around his entire face. "Master, let me!" Genos panicked and grabbed the gum. "Ava, help me."

"You got it. That gum was in his mouth and I don't want to touch it." I moved away from them with my hands up.

Genos got it off him. "You have defeated so many powerful monsters and the thing that nearly defeated you was gum." I told Saitama with a grin, and he looked embarrassed by what I said.

"Let's go." I ran out of the room, and they followed after me.

Saitama has a kid!?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin