Chapter 10

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"What's that?" Saitama asked us.

"Mail, the hero association uses drones." Genos explained as I picked it up the package and the drone flew off, they both carried in all the groceries we just got.

Once we got in we looked inside it to find fan letters. "Are there any for me?" Saitama asked as I was searching for his ones first and I picked one up that has his name on it.

"Give, give!" He demanded.

I gave him it and Genos looked mortified with the one he is reading. I found a couple for myself and read them, one said there is a fan club for me. I looked at Saitama's and it has red all over it saying nasty things about him.

"I will find who sent that." Genos got up angry.

"Here's a guy with free time." Saitama commented making Genos calm down.

"Here is another one." I handed it to him.

He opened it. "This is some bad handwriting." He read it out loud "Thanks for saving me uncle and also thanks for the new raincoat I love it." He looked at me.

"I tried to write it as best as I could." I told him with a pout.

"Thanks." He ruffled my hair and it put a smile on my face.

"Master, there is one from the hero association." Genos gave him the letter.

"They firing me?" He asked.

He opened it up to find he is Class C rank 1, so he has to go in for an interview to see if he can go up to Class B, but he will be at the bottom of the rank again.

I got called in for a job the next day and was taken in an army plane with some green-haired girl staring at me. "Who is this kid?" She pointed at me.

"You look like your my age." I told her.

"HUH!? I'M 28 YOU BRAT!!" She yelled offended.

"Wow, your old." I commented.

She scoffed and looked away. "This is Ava, she is rank 16 in Class S. She is also an esper like you." A guy with brown hair and black glasses explained.

"She is?" She looked at me curiously.

"You are as well?" I asked excited and she seemed surprised by my excitement.

"Yeah." She answered and the guy was surprised that we were now getting along.

We have to kill some giant dinosaur that has awakened from some long sleep. They shot missiles at him, but he just didn't care. We stayed at the back of the plane and I got something for me to ride on, and they opened the bottom of the army plane, and we fell out.

We landed in front of the dinosaur catching his attention. Tatsumaki then got a phone call. "Come back?! You sent us out here to get rid of this monster!" She whined.

"Wait, we have to go back now?" I asked.

The monster wouldn't shut up, so I used my telekinesis on his head and smashed it to the ground. "Shush!" I yelled at him.

"Thank you." Tatsumaki sighed as she hung up the phone call.

"You runts!" The monster shifted again.

It tried to stomp us, so we moved out of the way, "So you aren't helpless." He stared at us. "You can only destroy me with a meteor."

"Okay, you get one as well, Ava." Tatsumaki ordered and I got one that was smaller than the one I stopped before, so I could move it easily and it was already on its the way here aimed at that monsters head.

All that was left was a big crater and his skeleton, the plane came our way and Tatsumaki made a hpmh sound.

They took us back to the hero association base because they want all of the S class heroes for a meeting.

"Want one?" I held out a lollipop to Tatsumaki she was staring at me, so I thought she wanted one.

"No." She turned away but still took it.

We landed and walked inside. "Tatsumaki!" Someone yelled and it was some guy with two swords.

"Oh, this is must be Ava, the Purple Psych." He was looking at me, I must have a nickname now.

"Hi, old samurai." I nodded to him.

"Its Atomic Samurai, nice to meet you." He shook my hand and patted my head then walked off.

He went over to Bang, Genos and Saitama who came out of the elevator, but he didn't greet Saitama.

"Why bring a Class B hero, don't you think he is beneath us, right, Ava?" Tatsumaki expected me to agree with her.

"Hi, uncle!" I ran over to him.

"What!? No way, you are not that cute girl's uncle!" Tatsumaki yelled, Genos and Bang already went ahead ignoring the girls complaining. "You're disgusting leave."

"What's with this sassy lost child?" Saitama pointed at her.

"That is Tornado, she is rank 2, she has psychic powers just like Ava." Genos explained.

We all went into the meeting room and Tatsumaki chased after us and I knocked into someone. "Sorry." I went to pick up what they dropped and it was a big lollipop.

They picked up one of my ones I dropped and I looked at him. He looks to be my age, he has brown hair and amber eyes and once our eyes connect his cheeks went slightly red.

"Can I have this? You can have that one." He asked of me shyly.

"Sure." I smiled at him.

"Noooooooo!" Saitama picked me up and took me away from the kid.

"Why you do that?" I asked him.

"No boyfriend, not now, not ever." He decided.

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