Part 13 - London

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Driving to London was better than Millie expected despite a few hairy moments when Dex forgot that in England they drive on the opposite side of the road, Millie was sure her car wasn't going to survive all the way there with an American at the wheel! She hadn't thought about the fact that it was going to give her nearly three hours alone with him to talk without the distraction of other band members, crew, fans or the press!

They'd chatted about everything on the way up and Millie laughed so much her sides ached. Sat in a queue of traffic around 15 minutes outside of London Dex turned to her

"How are you coping with this Mil?" he asked. His expression was serious, she was a little confused.

"Coping with what?" She asked needing clarification.

"This. Us. Our relationship, the whole lifestyle I guess" he explained. Millie want sure what to say, he came out of no where with it

"Uh, ok I guess" she replied, truthfully, she hated it, she wished so much that he wasn't famous, that he did anything else for a living, but no matter how much she wished, this was his life and now hers, she just had to learn to live with it.

"Are you sure you're ok? Because I would understand if it was too much for you" he explained

Millie wondered why he was asking, had he had enough of the hassle of a long distance relationship? Did he want out? Millie felt her stomach knot. She loved him more than she had ever loved anyone, she was so infatuated with him, even maybe obsessed with him. The thought of not being with him made her feel nauseous. Her thoughts filled with worry.

"No, it's not too much" she quickly replied, she needed to make him understand just how important this relationship was to her.

"This is a hard relationship, I'll be honest, but what relationship isn't, it's just for different reasons. I love you so much, I would put up with anything to be with you" she explained

Dex smiled sympathetically.

"Ok. Good" he replied
"I love you too, it won't be like this forever, I promise" he added
'Forever' Millie thought, wow, he's anticipating this lasting if he's talking about forever. Millie couldn't quite get her head around the fact that he could want to be with her 'forever' it was always in the back of her mind that this could end soon.
She'd never let her mind wander too far into the future, with ex's she'd considered what the future would look like, she'd thought about getting married, maybe having children, where they might live, how she would juggle her career with being a Mum. They were things she always thought about but this time was different, she hadn't thought about anything besides the here and now, she couldn't picture what kind of future they could have, she couldn't fit all the pieces of their hectic, trans-Atlantic lives together to make anything that made sense! But his use of the word forever had sparked something in her mind, allowing her to think, just a little into the future.

Arriving at the door to their hotel room it was late, Dex looked exhausted, Millie wasn't surprised in one day he had travelled from Sweden to London, taken a 2 hour train from London to Millie's home town and then drove 3 hours back to London. All she was going to do was tuck him into bed and cuddle him. He needed rest or he was going to burn out.

He followed her into the hotel room wrapping his arms around her waist from behind he nuzzled his face into her neck, kissing her gently, she could feel him smiling as his hot breath grazed her skin, making her shiver, he walked slowly, clumsily to the bed, pushing his crotch into her back suggestively.

"Heyyyy, not tonight, you're exhausted, you need to sleep!" She hated having to say that, she was desperate to rip his clothes off but he needed to sleep, she knew his schedule for the weekend was no doubt relentless as usual.

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