"Morning bitches" Raina greeted her friends, as they stood by her locker.

Rue came to lean against the lockers, as Ariel clutched her books in her hands, holding them against her chest.

"Hey Rain" they both greeted her with a smile.

Everyday usually started with the three of them, as a sort of tradition. When the three started high-school, the very first day, they made a kind of pact to always see each other in the mornings, which would make their days go well.

They stuck to this pact, even now, whilst in their last year of high school.

"Oh so guess who texted me last night?" Rue asked excitedly.

"Who?" Raina asked curiously, waiting on her answer.

Rue smirked. "James" was all that she said, and both Raina's and Ariel's eyes widened.

James was part of the group of popular boys at the high-school. He was a certified player, and one of the guys that would always hit on Rue.

He was an athlete too, a track star, fast runner. Him and Rue were forced to have interactions as they would be chosen, among others, when representing the school in competitions against other schools.

Since their first interaction, James was keen to pursue Rue, but unfortuntely it didn't mean he wasn't pursuing others as well.

"What did he say?" Ariel asked Rue.

Rue paused for dramatic effect. "So I have a heated pool" she revealed what James texted, which had the girls confused as they looked at each other.

"Seriously?" Raina then bursted out laughing.

As her laughter died down, she looked back at Rue. "That's all he said?" she asked, amusement still in her tone, knowing full well what James was insinuating with that kind of message.

"Yup" Rue replied, laughing to herself.

Ariel's face scrunched up a little. "He actually thought that would make you come over?" she asked.

"Apparently" Rue snorted. "Not exactly the words you want to hear" she added.

Ariel carried on to look at her face confused. "What are the right words?" She asked.

"I want to fuck you senseless" Raina then replied, suggesting the 'right' words, and Ariel nearly choked on air, whilst Rue laughed.

Again, Raina really had no filter.

Ariel shook her head. "You're impossible".

It was a miracle that Ariel was still innocent with a best friend like Raina.

According to Raina, Ariel should be protected in bubble wrap, since she was probably one of the few innocent girls in their high school.

"I'm joking" Raina then said, but both the girls gave her a look, knowing full well that she really wasn't.

"Okay, I'm not" Raina laughed.

A curious Ariel then looked to Rue. "What did you say to them then?"

"I told him, I'm hot enough to heat the pool on my own and to go find a new line" she smirked.

Raina raised her hand to high five Rue. "My girl" she said, seeming so proud.

"I bet he'll be sulking today" Ariel then mentioned.

Generally girls didn't really turn down a chance with James, with him being who he is. Like Rue, he also had an athletic body and the good looks, which made girls fall to his feet like they were apples on a tree, and he was Newton.

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