Chapter 15 ~Bish Wha~

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Ok first of all i just randomly put these tittles. Idk what im thinking


I woke up. It was morning, bright, hot. I looked at my surroundings. I was at Laurens room. She was gone too. I never understand why kids wake up so early. I got our of bed and went into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, fixed my bed head and peed.(idk why i put that) i heard the noise of a basketball bouncing coming from outside. I quickly wash my hands and look out the window in my room. It was Ashton.

I decided to go outside since there were only 4 days left till we go back on tour so i changed into my beetles muscle tee and shorts. I but my converse on and head outside to Ashton. I snatch the ball away from him and make a basket.

"I didnt know u could shoot."

"Yeah. Well i can"

"I didnt know girls could in general", i punched his shoulder. He giggled.

"Where were u last night?"-

"I dont want to talk about last night Ashton."

"Ok.... Haha!", ashton snatched the ball from me and dribbled to the basket. I reached him and jumped to make the ball miss he basket but i tripped instead. Ashton caught me. We were face to face. He was laughing. I just rolled my eyes. We both went silent. I could swear to jesus christ i saw him move forward. But of course Sydney has to intervene.

"EVA! ASHYPOO!" She kisses ashton and pulls me away from him and hugs me. This bitch got whore written all over her body. I could feel her skin on mine. I looked at her to see she was wearing a buster crop top and shorts with toms.

"Ok so Eva. we all know im getting married. And we all know i need a maid of honor. So HOW WOULD U LIKE TO BE MY MAID OF HONOR?!!!"

"Bish wha?"

"Umm excuse u?", i heard ashton chuckle

"I mean..sure."

"GREAT! So come one no need to waste time we have to find your dress and my dress!!! BYE ASHYPOO!!", she waves bye and drags me along with her. Kill me now.



Ok darling spin around. I spun around. We were at the bridesmaid store and i was wearing a purple puffy dress. It was ugly as fuck. Sydney made me try it on.

"AHH OMG U LOOK ADORBS!!", i just grin.

"Thanks" i walk back to the changing room. In there there was another dress. It was blue. It was puffy. It was short. It was horrible. I squeezed out of the dress i was in now and pulled into the blue one. I walk back out and look at myself. I wanted to cry. I looked like the fucking

ocean coming to life.

"Spin around darling", the clerk said again. I slowly spun around. Sydney looked dead before i finished turning around.



Fucking squirrel... Can i like just shoot myself now?

"COME ON EVA!", i walk to her my hands balled up in a fist. I put my hands on the counter and started looking around at the other dresses. Then i saw it. I saw THE dress. The dress i would want to wear to the wedding. It was beautiful. I took a picture and sent it to Luke. The only person who i think understands fashion.

To Luke:

New picture message

From Luke:

THATS HOT. •_• u gonna wear that?

To Luke:

Eww perv. No. Im stuck wearing this puffy shit.

New picture message

From Luke:

I tell u i hate that girl. I feel bad for u. I dont think ashton would notice 😏

To luke:

Shut up

From Luke:


To Luke:

Oh man up dibshit

From luke:

Sheesh ok. 🙌 goash.

I put my phone back in my pocket.

"Lets go Eva. I have to drop u off before i could actually have some fun"

Rude enough?



By the time i got home it was midday. Ashton's car was there so he was home. Sydney left as soon as i hopped out. I unlocked the door and there was ashton sitting on the sofa watching Mean Girls. Classic



"How was it?"


"U picked a dress?"


"Then why you here?"

"Cuz ur girlfriend picked one"

"Smartass. Is it nice?"

"You could say that"

"I got something for you", ashton stood up and handed me a red box. It was tied closed with a ribbon. I just stared at it.

"You could open it you know."

"I opened it. There was a bracelte inside. An expensive one. It was a dimond bracelet.




"Hey hey hey. Shh. Its yours. I want you to have it"


"No givsies backsies"

"Fine", i roll my eyes and try putting the bracelte on.

"Here let me help you", ashton takes the bracelte from my hands and puts it on. I would see the glimmer of engravings on the back.

"Whats back here?"

"Hey. No peeking. Only look at it at times of need. When u really need a push. When ur down in the dumps and stuff"


"Promise you wont looks at it unless u need to"

"I promise"

"Good. Imma head out for a while. Finish watching mean girls."


"Bye", i wave goodbye and start watching mean girls.

I got a phone call one hour later. It was about ashton. He was in the hospital for god knows what. He was unconsiounce and unstable. And so i was here. Sitting on a chair holding his hand praying that he'll get better. Here i was reading the engravings of the bracelet

Yo nigga nigga yo you so fine. Yo nigga nigga yo you so fly-ash


Dedicated to da bae.

Missed ya ode tbh. Teehee.

Ok so im back.

Yay! Love yas.

-chicken nugget

Btw we gotta give me some kind of signing off name like seriouslt brah. Im just here caing myself some random shits. Smh

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