Chapter 1: ~The Boyfriend~

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"YOU READY FOR THE BEST SUMMER VACATION EVA?!", my best friend Nina yells at my face. The last bell of the year rang and we all ran out of the school. It was crowded so i couldnt get Nina and get the heck out of this hell hole right away. I was waiting by the fountain infront of the school entrance when she came and screamed at my face.

"Yeah I guess",i say with a laugh," wanna go grab some candy from Rite-Aid?"


"We just watched it yesterday! And anyways its the first day of summer vacation so why night watch 21 jump street?"

"Oooo gurl, u have your brain today! U aint cuckoo!". I tool that as a yes and took the A train to 207 street. Me and Nina lived in New York but in the ghetto area. Its cool though. Most of our friends live close by. We walked into the big Rite-Aid and walked through the candy isle. I grabbed a pack of sour patch kids, twizzlers, a king size cookies and cream Hershey bar , and of course haribo gummy bears. Nina ended up getting a pack of sour worms and smarties. We were sharing the candy anyways.

We paid for the candy which came to a total of 20 bucks, and walked to my house. Me and Lina were starving so we went to the pizza place next to dunkin donuts and bought a pie of pepperoni pizza.

I opened the door to our apartment and flicked the lights on. I went i to the kitchen to get my chocolate cake that ive been saving for today only to find Ansel eating my fucking cake!

"Do you WANT me to run you over with a Mexican quesadilla truck?", i shout at a surprised ansel. His mouth was covered in my chocolate cake which made me even angrier. He devoured the damn thing! And he didnt even save me some knowing how much i like my chocolate cake. "I dont care if your my best friends boyfriend you know that right?", i walk up closer to him. Trying to make him get away from the crumbs of the cake that were left so i atleast had a portion of my cake. He seemed to get the idea and quickly stood up. "How the hell did u even get in here?!"

"We-well. Umm. It-its just- nina gave me the keys", he bowed his head ashamed.

"What?!", i turn to face the skittles eating nina that just walked into the room confused to what was happening till she saw her boyfriend behind me.

"U-u-uh- well we were- um. I told you to come tomorrow!", she quickly yelled at ansel flailing her arms in the air. Ansel and nina kept bickering so i tool a seat on the island stool and ate the remaining pieces of my cake while watching this reality tv show. If there was one good thing about having a best friend with a boyfriend is the occasional bickering that happens. I reach onto the glass plate to get another piece of cake but there was no more left. Its been 20mins and they've been bickering since. Since i had no more food i decided it was time to end this.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU TRANSLUCENT LOVE ANIMALS!!", i yell at the top of my lungs sure enough to make nearby birds fly away. Both andel and nina stared at me wide eyed. "YOU HEARD ME! Go fuck yourselves now im gonna go walk", i grab my house keys before closing the door on the awestruck couple.

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After hours of swinging on the nearby park and listening to all of One Directions albums(including some 5 seconds of summer songs) i finally decided the pros and cons of your best friend having a boyfriend.


1.the bickering that turns into a makeoutsession

2.makeout sessions in your face

3.the unsureness of where the hell they did sex(it could even be on the couch and i dont even know...that scary) time for girl time group convos

6.the i love you mores

7.wanting them both to go to hell


1. The occasional bickering

I mean im not jealous or anything of nina. Yeah shes got a boyfriend to hang out with all summer. Yeah she looks like an artist made her. Yeah she gets all my crushes and shit and yeah shes popular and gets to sit at the fountain with everyone while im stuck eating at a fucking garbage can with people i dont even know!!! I noticed i was just yelling at myself and public and that people were holding their kids hand tight and running away. Oh well. I decided that they should be done with their intense make out session and started home.

I opened the door to the apartment only to find that no one was here. Maybe they went to get a room. I grabbed my laptop, unlocked it, and put my playlist on, volume to the max and started rocking out. Story of my life came on as did she looks so perfect. I sang my little heart out and danced like never before. I celebrated the end of school. The end of 11th grade to be exact. Just one more year before i could pursue my dreams. Well my main dream is to meet 5sos and 1D but that aint gonna happen, so i scratched it off my bucket list.

The one that got away by katy perry played and thats when shit got real. I started a whole karioke session in my house. I grabbed my brush, my beat's pills and my computer. After that i just sang like theres no tomorrow.

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if only ana was here. I would have made a music video about his song with her. Well we were planning to today hit she ran off with her boyfriend...aka my crush. Yep thats right. My crush is my best friends boyfriend. She knows and she didn't want to date him but i insisted since she liked him too. And anyways she's my best friend, my sister i'll do anything to make her happy. The song ended and a huge round of applause scared the living shit out of me.

"HOLY CHICKEN NUGGETS! You sons of bitches. You-you", my gaze went to nina who was holding two One Direction tickets. I read they said floor 1 row 1 seat 5-6. "O to the fucking ma god", i snatched the tickets away. "AHHHHH! OMG OMG OMG I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU!!", i hug nina practically shocking her to death.

"Why me? I didnt buy them"

"W-well who did?", i was confused out if my witts now. Who in the fuck would buy us about $4,500 worth of tickets? She pointed to the messy brown haired hottie who she was holding hands to. I was shocked. Why did Ansel buy me a ticket too? Ugh. I huged ansel and thanked him.

"Guess we're even now?", i said with a smile. The smile that kills all the girls in our school. Including me. The butterflies came and i instantly pushed away from him.

"Yeah we're even"

"Great!"And with that he left with the other football jocks. The concert was 1 week away and i couldn't wait any longer already.

"GUESS WHAT I GOT!!!", nina sang while dangling her phone in my face making it hard to see what she wanted me to see. I swat her hand making her well protect phone fall on the floor with a thud. I pick it up and press play on the video. It was me singing and dancing to the Katy Perry song. "OUR MUSIC VIDEO!", i felt like slapping nina right now. Not just because she did the ana cheer buy because she was soooo chirpy today. "So let go post it on ze youtube!!!" I swat her hand once more making her pout.

"No. We are not posting this. I look like a complete idiot! And anyways ur supposed to be in it. Your the pretty one".

"Whaaaaa? Thats not true. U pretty too", i give her the 'seriously?'face.

"Ok ok. I know im prettier than u. U say it. Everyone says it. So i wont post it".

"Good. And with that I go to my room and got ready for bed. I unlike nina had work tomorrow. And she wasn't just gonna slouch around fucking her boyfriend. She was gonna get a job even if it kills me.


Sorry im updating this late to anyone who reads. Which is probably no one since this sucks ass but oh well i love writing and thats what matters.

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