Chapter 13

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OOH LUCKY NUMBER 13 (or unlucky) (;

In this case its lucky because this has 6 pages and this is the longest chapter I've ever written for you guys. 

~~~~~~  Cassie's Point Of View

So here I am again, on the bus heading for Dauntless headquarters. This time, however, Sam will not be pulling me off the bus and into Abnegation so I can spill my guts out. We're actually going.  The bus stops and a few people get on.

I'm just sitting by myself,looking out the window and wondering if its too late. What if we don't have enough time to train?

"Cassie, it will be okay. Stop over thinking things." Vaeh snaps me our of my thoughts by saying. I look over and she's giving me a reassuring smile from the seat in front of me. How did she know that? I subconsciously make faces. I'm easy to read, I guess you could say.

"Okay." I tell her,nodding even though I'm not so sure. As the driver gets to Dauntless, something hits me like a ton of bricks. We can't train to be like Dauntless, if we get caught we'll be called Faction traitors. If we get caught, we'll be kicked out for sure. We'll fail initiation. We will be faction-less.

We all get off the bus and I try not to think about how dangerous us doing this could be. All these risks. But they're right, we can't do nothing. Even though I'm pretty sure me and Robbie still want to do nothing. I mean, its not that we don't care, we just want to---ah what's the word? Preserve our lives. Not die. Yep. Those are the words.

"You ready?" Kaylie asks,looking at me sympathetically. Will is inside. Okay. I can do this. I nod and we all start to go in the front door. Just before Robbie puts a hand on the doorknob, I decide to tell them my fears.

"Wait- guys are we sure we want to do this? If we do this we'll probably be called faction-traitors and we'll get kicked out of Amity and we'll be factionl-" Sam comes over and wraps an arm around me.

"Cassie" he says soothingly, looking at me with those big brown eyes that I melt into. "It'll be fine. And besides, we don't even know if this Uriah guy will do it yet. We'll be okay." I'm really trying hard not to blush but honestly I think I'm failing. He's being sweet and comforting.

"Okay. Okay lets do it." I confidently reply, looking away from Sam and back towards the doors. Sam smiles and kisses my cheek. Its like I go to heaven. I'm dying. I could be dying. He kissed my cheek. He's never kissed my anything. He's never kissed anyone's cheek. He hasn't been that touchy. My face feels hot and I know that my face is probably as red as a tomato. The others smile at me,and Kaylie winks. On top of that, Sam reaches over and holds my hand. As if I needed another reason to blush.

Unsurprisingly, Kaylie looks more relaxed once we enter the building. She's lived here her entire life, of course she knows her way around. She marches up to the front desk and starts talking to a lady. Vaeh, Robbie,Sam, and I decide to stay back and see what happens. I guess its something good,though because the lady at the desk is smiling. Once they're finished, she comes back over to us and pulls out five visitors passes. She hands them to us, grinning like she was giving us each hundred-dollar bills.

"We are now free to go anywhere,but right now I think we need to go see my Aunt Tori." She says cheerfully. For the first time in a couple of days, she's actually acting like an Amity. Then she whispers under her breath,"I've been thinking, she can help us."She fake coughed to cover it up.

"Okay, lead the way then."Robbie says. Robbie looks over at Sam and I's intertwined hands, and bites his lip before walking over to Kaylie. After a little hesitation, he leans over and takes her hand in his.

And its the cutest thing I've ever seen.

Kaylie is shocked,to say the least.She doesn't move her hand at all. That's all the rejection Robbie needed. He blushes from embarrassment,not being the touchy type like Sam is, and yanks his hand away. Then he keeps walking like nothing happened. Smooth, Robbie. Smooth.  He wipes his hand on his pants and we continue to follow her.

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