Chapter 12

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PUT DOWN YOUR PITCHFORKS AND TORCHES. Here's an update. Once again, I'm sorry for the wait. I really thought I could get an update in but I'm really busy. Things will slow down though and then maybe I can get in an update at least once a week.

Wouldn't you rather have quality over quantity? Would you rather have tiny short 1 page chapters, or  3 page chapters? 

For now, please ignore the cast list. 

-Back to Cassandra's P.O.V

A four days go by and we've all got to know each other better. We've also completed about 20 things on the list. Turns out, Vaeh loves working in the fields, Robbie is great at cooking , and Sam is a natural at using the harvesting equipment and stuff. While Kaylie and me continue to suck at everything. Nah, I'm kidding. We just haven't found anything that we're good at, or that we like doing. Besides helping people, that is. I'm actually starting to question my test results. 

Judith,the lady who administered the test to me, said I got Amity. But, I know by the way she was acting nervous that something was up. She seemed anxious for me to leave. Her eyes at widened when I woke up. Something wasn't right. I need to find her and ask her about it. I would have to go back to Abnegation and search for her,and I need to do it alone. Something tells me its a secret, or else she would've told me. I'll have to do it later,though. Today I think I should finally tell Robbie, Kaylie, and Vaeh the truth about Jeanine.

I wake up feeling energized. I feel like I could take on the world. I think I could handle going to see Will,even. Maybe I really should tell Robbie, Kaylie, and Vaeh about my past. I trust them. Plus it seems unfair that  Sam knows,but they don't. We're all friends here. Kaylie knows about Jeanine being my aunt,but that's all.

"Guys, I need to talk to you before we go work on the list." I mumble, my mouth full of pancakes.  Today on the Amity breakfast buffet there was  pancakes, orange juice, bacon, syrup, fruit, cereal, and milk.  The food is made by angels I swear. 

"What about?" Vaeh asks, somehow able to understand me. She stuffs a few raspberries into her mouth. Sam gives me a look and I nod. Today I'll tell them. 

"You'll see."I say, drinking some orange juice.

"Okay, but can we finally go to Dauntless today?" Kaylie asks, stealing a few blueberries from Robbie's plate. Robbie raises his eyebrows at her, a playful smirk on his face. He looks like he's going to say something about it, but instead reaches over and grabs a piece of bacon from her plate. Kaylie, in turn, gasps. "You did not just steal a piece of my bacon Robert whatever-your-last-name-is!"

Robbie shrugs. "Looks like I did, Kaylie Daniels." He takes a bite of it and it crunches in his mouth. Kaylie looks like he just insulted ten of her ancestors, but doesn't say anything. She grabs his plate and empties out all of his blueberries onto her tray. Then she holds her bacon tightly in her hands.

"Mine!" She warns,taking a bite of one of the bacon strips in her hands. Robbie reaches over to her plate and plops a few blueberries in his mouth.

Vaeh and I try to not to smile and giggle like five year old's,but we fail. This conversation is just too cute. Even Sam smiles and shakes his head at the two of them. we've all been getting closer,but Robbie and Kaylie have started to become the closest. This isn't the first time something like this has happened. Maybe not this exactly,but they've both been flirting a little here and there.

I honestly could not be happier for the two of them. Especially Kaylie. After what she told me about what happened with Brenton, I'm really excited that she's trying to move on. I couldn't imagine life here without her. Without any of them,really. They're like the family I've never had,but always wanted. It's so amazing having more than one friend. And the conversations we all get into are insane.

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