Chapter 23

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Izuku woke up to a certain snowball poking his face

"What- * yawn* is something wrong eri?...... Oh, shoot today school started!!"

Izuku frantically started changing
And did his morning routine double the speed, Once he was done getting his supplies, he carried eri while practically jumping off the second floor

"Mother I'm going to school, Love you Bye!!"

Izuku didn't even let his mother finish and started running towards school, he was going so fast some people mistook him for a car or some type of vehicle

Once Izuku caught sight of the gate closing he literally flew over it, And because of the speed he was going in he had a bit of trouble stopping at first

"Holy Fudge!!" *screech* Izuku stopped just on time

" Ugh, Let's just get inside before Aizawa-sensei gets upset"

Unknown to Izuku students watched him while he was walking to class

Why are people staring

Izuku then checked to see if anything was wrong, He then checked Eri

Hmmm, Nothing out of the ordinary so why all the fuss

Izuku wonders he just dismissed it and open the classroom door
Silence nothing but Silence

"What!?" Half the class yelled out

"what?" Izuku said with a puzzled look on his face

"Who's the kid?"

"What!? How did?!?"

"She's Adorable!"

"Are you the father!??"

"Who's the mom??!"

"Izuku, this is not a nursery, this is school Why did you bring a child here?"


"I just brought her along," Izuku said with a plain tone

The class started asking questions, Izuku had a hard time answering several of them

Sheesh, what's with them-

Before he thought of anything else his eyes Met with Todoroki's...
Right next to him was an uncomfortable-looking Momo, This Made Izuku snap

"Hey Bakugou, Can you hold her for a moment"

Izuku then carefully handed eri to Bakugou who just froze

"OI DEKU WHAT-" Bakugou went silent when he saw the look on izuku's face

On his face was the look Of a guy about to commit murder without any regret

Izuku started walking over to their seat

" Hello Todoroki-san" Izuku said while giving a sinister smile

The class went silent ready for what was to come, Until the door opened

"Morning Class, Izuku take a seat"

Thank God Aizawa-sensei came on time

Izuku just kept smiling gets eri from Bakugou and then sat down

Izuku snapped Half the class thought

Izuku takes a deep breath in

"Aizawa-sensei, are you alright?" Izuku asked, while eri just played around with his hands playing peek-a-boo


"So that's the kid everyone's talking about, And to answer your question Yes, I'm fine apart from a few scratches ... Oh yeah forgot to mention your fight isn't over yet class"

More villains

"The U.A sports festival is about to start"

" Why would you scare us like that" The students yelled

"Is it really wise to hold the festival so soon after the villains attacked"

"Yeah according to a few rumors I've heard, After Izuku has beaten them up the ring leader somehow escaped"

*sigh* "Yes the rumors are true he did escape with the help of his assistant who had a warping type of quirk "

The class went silent

"So that is why the administration started adding extra security measures, this event is important for the students of U.A we can't just cancel it, If you want to go pro one day this event matters most, that means you shouldn't be slacking on your training "

After class finished and some started packing up, Izuku stood up, carefully gave eri to Bakugou and went straight back to Todoroki's seat

"Oi, Deku I'm not your Babysitter tch" Bakugou then looked at eri, Who was just staring straight at him

You Are to be protected at all cost

Eri now has an overprotective Uncle
(😂 ok back to izuku)

" What do you want Midoriya" Todoroki said with an annoyed tone

Izuku didn't say anything, He just kept smiling, He started to walk towards Momo... He grabbed her hand and slowly started pulling her towards him

"Izuku-kun what are you" Izuku smiled, He held her chin up put a finger over her lips, He then moved momo behind him

Once Momo was behind him and a distance away from Todoroki...

"Gravity Force" Izuku said still keeping the creepy calm smile

Todoroki started getting pushed down by the amount of force

" Momo is not a trophy or an object you can just call yours... How about this, You and I will face off Head to Head at the final round of the competition, And whoever wins, Has the permission to ask Momo's Father for his blessing"

Todoroki just stayed silent, Izuku disabled gravity force And picked up Todoroki by the shoulder

"Is that a deal, Todoroki-san"

"Fine, and whoever loses never shows themselves at U.A high " Todoroki said with a bitter tone

Those who were still there had surprised faces on them,except for the ones all the way in the front

"Alright then Todoroki-san You can't back down on your deal" Izuku said quite annoyed at this point

With that izuku turned around an started walking towards Momo and Bakugou who were playing with Eri

"Alright then Shall we Leave" Izuku then had to practically force Bakugou to let go of Eri

Thank you for waiting my wonderful readers, Apologies for the Wait Hope you enjoyed😀

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