Chapter 21

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Juvia's POV

We are all getting seated in the hot tub. 

'It's a lot tighter to get everyone in this time! There's hardly any room!' Lucy complains.

'I'll help with that!' Gray pulls me on to his lap and wraps an arm around my waist, just like in our last game. I smile down at him and give him a quick kiss on his head.

'Hey that's not a bad idea, cmon Luce!' Natsu goes to grab Lucy but she squeals as he picks her up.

'Why me?!' She yells.

'Well you were the one complaining.' Natsu argues. Lucy huffs but stops squirming and stays on his lap, a blush across her cheeks.

'Wanna sit on my shoulders so you can see everyone shrimp?' Gajeel teases Levy. She puffs out hers cheeks at him.

'I'm not a little kid you big jerk!'

'Ok, now that that's settled, I will start.' Ezra begins. 'Never have I ever been arrested.'

Natsu, Gray and Cana all take a swig of their drinks.

'Okay guys, fess up, what did you get arrested for?' Levy asks.

'More importantly, why were we not there to see it!' Says an amused Laxus.

'For being drunk and disorderly on a plane,' Cana pipes up first, ironically as she downs more of her drink.

'No surprise there!' Jellal sighs, but with a grin on his face.

'Disorderly conduct. I was in a fight with some guy, but he totally deserved it!' Natsu protests.

'That isn't a shock either,' Lucy says exasperatedly.

'What did you do Gray? Although I am quite sure I already know,' I smirk. He leans his forehead against my shoulder and mumbles something. 'What was that, we can't hear you.'

'Public indecency,' he responds quietly. There are snorts of laughter all around, of course getting naked in public would be Gray's reason.

'You really are a stripper,' Gajeel laughs, Gray glares at him.

'My turn. Never have I ever used a lame pick up line,' Jellal says. We all turn our heads towards Loke, who is not drinking.

'I don't know why you are all looking at me! My pick up lines are not lame,' he grins. I raise my eyebrow.

'Loke, when we met the first thing you said to me was 'is that a mirror in your pocket? Because I can see myself in your pants.' I would never forget that line as long as I live. Everyone sniggered and Gajeel just looked mad.

'You've used the line 'if you were a library book, I would check you out,' on me.'  Levy crosses her arms. 

'Okay! Okay! Fine, there have been some questionable ones!' Loke finally accepts defeat and drinks. 

Laxus was next. 'Never have I ever gone skinny dipping.' Myself, Gray, Natsu, Loke and Cana all drink.

'JUVIA!' Gajeel yells at me.

'What? You only live once Gajeel-kun.' I respond innocently. He crosses his arms grumpily. 

'Never have I ever faked an orgasm,' Mira chimes in. All the girls, including myself, drink. 

'Hahaha, ice prick can't perform!' Natsu roars with laughter. Gray glares at him, but then turns to me in question. I giggle at his uncertainty.

'Don't worry, I haven't faked it with you,' I reassure him. He then turns back to Natsu with a smug look. Gajeel holds his hand to his face.

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