Chapter 9

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Saya's P.O.V

We woke up the next morning to get ready immediately for our departure out of the walls to our assigned spots. Everyone was saddling up their horses and we rode towards the town where everyone had gathered ready to leave. As the Survey Corps we made our way to the front of the line at the gate, gaining stares from everyone else as we made our way past. I rolled my eyes in annoyance as those who knew of our name as monsters, watched Akane and I worriedly with distrust in their eyes. Idiots. As time went on the bell began to ring and a voice called out from the front.
"We've driven away all the Titans in the area! Thirty seconds until we open the gates!" Petra looked back at Akane and I and smiled before facing forwards again. Levi however looked straight ahead with his usual grumpy stoic face.
"It's the Survey Corps. They call the emblem on their backs the Wings of Freedom!" An excited voice whispered out from one of the windows. Looking over to see two kids, a boy and a girl, watching us, I could see a smile on Akane's faces as she looked at the children, and glancing back I saw a soft smile slip onto Eren's face as well before it hardened up again when a voice called out that it was time.
"Humanity will take another step forward. Show me what you can do!" Another voice called out to the new recruits in our team. People raised their swords and fists in the air with a loud cheer which echoed throughout the town and the gates began to rise up as we readied ourselves for what was to come.
"Advance!" Erwin yelled out, his horse neighing as everyone began to make their way forwards out of the gate. "We will now begin the 57th expedition beyond the walls! Onward!" With that we all rode out full speed towards where our fates would be tested.

As we rode through the abandoned town of the next wall, there was movement that caught my eye. Seems like Hanji noticed it as well, as before I could say anything she called out,
"Ahead, to the left, a 10 meter class! I am very interested in seeing what's inside its stomach......" Well, that's Hanji for you. Two men split off and headed over to the fat bellied Titan to slay it as we continued forward. "But I'll leave it to the support team!"
"Onward! Onward!" A voice called out to the new recruits as the Titan near us began to smash some of the buildings trying to get the members of the support group.
"Sir, can they....." I heard Eren begin as he talked to the idiot Bozado. "Can my classmates beat the Titans?"
"Huh?" He asked skeptically. "What have you been doing the past month? Listen brat..... The most crucial part of an expedition is in how you avoid fighting Titans...." As Bozado said his speech, I almost burst out laughing when I saw him cringe in pain when he bit his tongue. How many times has he done that whilst talking now? We made it outside the walls whilst Bozado was recovering from his shocking tongue bite, and Erwin called to everyone his instructions.
"Go into long-range scouting formation!" People began to split off from the group but we stayed with Levi, Eren and the rest like planned.
"You know, I think I'm starting to get tired of this job, we all need holidays." I mused out loud. Akane heard me and chuckled as well as Petra but the rest looked at me briefly with a look of disbelief on their faces. "What?" I asked them annoyed. They turned back to look at where they were going and I cracked a smile. No amount of Titans could knock me out of a good mood.

We had been informed to enter the giant woods where the trees were bigger than the Titans. This would be an advantage to us for our maneuver gear, but it could also be a disadvantage due to there being too many trees so we may not be able to escape from the Titans in this area very well. No matter what though we had to take the chance and do as Commander Erwin told us. As we headed there we spotted green gas in the air.
"Smoke round. Green." Levi muttered. "Oluo, you fire it." He commanded.
"Roger." He responded, pulling out the flare gun and firing a green round into the air.
"Reporting!" A voice called pulling up to the side of us with his horse. "Message to pass along! Right flank recon has been destroyed. Our recon system is partially inoperative. Pass this on, to the left!"
"Did you hear that Petra? Go." Levi commanded.
"Yes, captain." She responded, turning her horse to the left. Once she left, we noticed and heard some black rounds being fired into the air. Oh for crying out loud, how many were there?
"Eren, you fire it." Levi called out to a shocked looking Eren. He did as he was told and fired the black round in the air. We carried on going towards the forest with stern and determined looks on our faces.

Levi's Daughters (Attack On Titan Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon