August 10, 1999 (7:00 PM)

Something happened awhile ago. It felt horrible. Flashes. Scenes of people getting hurt, It all felt so real. What happened was...

I started to roam around the hospital. People were everywhere and a lot of them were in wheelchairs. I thought of a lot of things while walking around the hospital, seeing people who had the probability of death. I wondered how much time they had in this world, how many of them wouldn't get out of this hospital alive or if they did get out alive, how miserable their lives would be without a limb or an organ that was removed after an operation just to lengthen their suffering. I just wondered how long they would live. After a while it got too depressing so I just continued to walk.

I got to the speciality section of the hospital, where every doctor had a room. Each one of those doctors had specific things to do. I was walking down the white halls when something just flashed. I ignored just ignored it. There weren't much people in the speciality section since most of the doctors are out, at least, that's what it says on the signs on each door. 

One of the doors opened and a girl wearing a white T-shirt and jeans that was a little too big came out. It was Dianna who just took her checkup. She greeted me with a straight face and I greeted her back with my own straight face which was more of an angry face. She plugged in her headphones to her Diskman and turned up the volume but low enough to hear me, then asked me if I wanted to eat in the canteen. I accepted the offer because I didn't want to be rude and also because I was really hungry because of walking around the hospital.

While walking to the canteen she started talking about books, which was surprising since I didn't think that she was interested in books. I thought that she was just like most of the people in the world, uninterested in books. She's a fan of Shakespere's plays. Her favorite out of all of them is Hamlet, she recommended that I read it just to get things out of my mind. Her description of it allured me enough to make me buy the book on my way home.

When we bought our food and we sat down and she turned off her Diskman, she started talking about music. It turns out that she's OBSESSED with Ricky Martin. She says that she has a shrine in her room! She also asked me to not tell anyone but I'll write it here. As if you know who she is or if she still has a shrine by the time you read this.

We ate our cakes bit by bit starting with the bread part while leaving the blue icing, then eating the icing altogether. We sat for awhile talking about random things like video games, books and lots of other things I won't go into detail about.

I was about to leave when she noticed that she forgot to buy her medicine which kept her from randomly talking to herself. She asked me to go with her to the pharmacy down the block but I told her that there is a pharmacy here in the hospital. She told me it's closed. Well, what kind of hospital closes it's pharmacy? This hospital does.

We walked out the exit on main street, where all the shops are. The street was was almost empty, with only teens who most likely came from a party and got drunk, walking around. We walked for about a minute in the darkness of night, with only the street lights and the headlights of passing cars as our source of light.

When we arrived at the pharmacy which was also a convenience store, the same convenience store that I visited early in the morning a few days ago. My vision flashed white and I saw a guy being beaten up in the parking lot. Whoever that is he's getting beat-up bad, but before I took a good look at who was getting beat-up or who was beating him up, my vision flashed white again and it was gone. I turned to Dianna and she asked me if I was alright. I said that I was, even though I suddenly had a head splitting head ache even worse than the headache this morning.

After she bought her medicine and left me because she had to go home. My headache became worse and I saw someone getting beaten-up in the parking lot but he got away. I woke up without a headache but lying on the asphalt parking lot without my wallet that luckily only contains three bucks. I was robbed while I was knocked out. People these days, they don't help you if you need help, they just rob you. I saw this journal and my old Diskman about a few meters from where I was lying, they probably didn't think that it was of value. I picked my stuff up and started walking back to the hospital.

Now after this night's adventure. I think I'm going to go home, just to get some rest.

~End of Log

August 10, 1999 (10:00 PM)

It's been a bad day, but with a few good moments. Yes, I got robbed, got to hang out with someone weird, saw bad visions, got knocked-out in a parking lot, and had a scary dream, but it was okay since Alice woke up.

Goodnight and sweet dreams to me and you.

~End of Log

The Journals of Wade Dillans: The Four Seasons of AugustΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα