12 | hidden feelings

Start from the beginning

Now that Harith was observing Harley, he wondered what made the mage move here. Harley was supposed to live with his sister, Lesley. Harith was aware that the sniper was in a relationship with Gusion, but that wouldn't be enough to kick her brother out, right? Harley was only sixteen, and he was too young to live without her supervision. Maybe Harley was the one who wanted to move out?

Harith was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a heavy sigh. He turned his head, and he was surprised to find Harley collapsing over the couch. The Mage Genius didn't move for a few seconds, and Harith thought that the mage might've passed out. But, after seeing the slight twitch of his arm, it looked like he was still alive.

"Uh, do you want a glass of water?" Harith asked, breaking the silence. He knew that Harley hated him, but the sight the mage was giving him was quite pitiful.

"No," Harley grumbled, tilting his body so that he could lay on his side. Harith had half-expected for him to decline, so his response wasn't really all that shocking. The mage then added, "I can take it myself."

Since Harley was facing him, Harith was able to raise a brow at him. He waited for the Mage Genius to make a move, but he could only hear heavy breathing coming from him. Shaking his head, he decided to head over to the fridge and pour him a glass of water. Frankly, he would've let the mage be since he detested him so much. But, with Harley's shallow breathing and his face pale, he realised that he couldn't just ignore it.

"Here," Harith said, extending his arm with the cold glass of water in his hand. Harley looked at him warily before shifting into a sitting position. His expression made Harith roll his eyes. "It's just plain water, Harley. I'm not going to poison you or anything."

Harley stared at the glass of water in his hand for a while. Slowly, he reached out, and he started drinking the liquid eagerly. It took him only seconds to finish the water, and his voice was quiet when he said, "Thank you."

A wide smile made its way on Harith's face. He knew that it wasn't going to be easy living with Harley, especially with the mage hating on him, but he knew that it could change. This could be counted as some progress, and, despite it being small, at least there were some progress. Now that Harley was living with him, he could prove to him that he wasn't trying to be better than him, and the Mage Genius would soon realise that all his animosity towards him was all some big misunderstanding.

- ♛ -

It was unexpected but, today, Harith and Harley were both assigned to be on the same team for a battle. It caused a small argument between their teammates, because Harley wanted to go to mid lane, but everyone felt like Harith would be better at mid. Harith knew that Harley would only despise him even more if he complied with everyone's wishes, so he allowed Harley to go to mid instead.

However, because their teammates were unsatisfied with Harith allowing Harley to go to middle lane, their tank left the Mage Genius all alone. It wasn't as if Harley couldn't handle taking the buff all by himself, but it proved to be a problem when the enemies decided to gank him to steal his buff.

Harith watched helplessly as the enemy's Selena swallowed Harley's buff, leaving him with low experience points and no Mana. Harley had requested backup so many times, but nobody from top lane came to help him. Harith would've tried to help, but he was already too far away in bottom lane to reach him first.

A nerve popped through his temple at his teammates' behaviour. How could they leave Harley like that just because he wanted to go to middle lane?

By now, Harley was already too frustrated to roam, and Harith decided that maybe giving him his buff would help improve his mood. He could already hear his teammates complaining at Harley for not roaming properly, and he quickly called for Harley to get his buff.

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