09 | skinny

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warning: mpreg.

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Harith was currently watching TV, his face propped in his hand as he continously search for some good channels. So far, he found none of the shows entertaining, and he resumed with browsing through the channels in case something caught his interest.

It turned out that nothing he liked was airing, and he decided to lower the volume and leave the television on like that. He stood up and found Harley washing the dishes. Slowly, a smile crept on his face, and he moved to sneak up on the mage. Harley was startled when he suddenly wrapped his arms around his abdomen, but he simply smiled at him and continued washing the dishes. Harith couldn't help but hum in content when he felt a throb coming from the mage's stomach. It means the baby was currently active inside Harley. Even though the mage's belly doesn't protude like a normal, pregnant lady would, but Harith could still feel the baby inside.

Harith was about to pull him into an embrace, when he felt like something wasn't right. He moved his hands towards Harley's hips, and he frowned when he realised that the mage felt slightly smaller. He then pulled away and started staring at Harley as he finished rinsing the dishes.

"Harith?" Harley called, and Harith realised that he had been caught staring. The mage was looking at him with his face full of concern. "Is something wrong?"

Harith didn't say anything. Instead, he reached out for Harley's hand and started inspecting his wrist. He hated it that he found it bony. He then proceeded to stare at Harley's face, and he noticed that Harley's cheeks were slightly sunken.

"Harley, have you been skipping your meals?" Harith asked.

Harley looked at him for a while, blinking a few times. "What?"

"Are you eating lesser than usual?" Harith asked, releasing the mage's hand. Harley looked at him, confused, before staring at his own hand. Harith continued, "You've gotten thinner."

"Really?" Harley asked, staring at his arms now. A small chuckle escaped his lips. "I didn't realise. I mean, I did feel slightly–"

"Harley, this isn't funny," Harith interrupted, the worry evident in his voice. He took a step forward and examined the mage again. "Why haven't you been eating much?"

"No, you got it all wrong," Harley said, shaking his head. He gave him a reassuring smile, which wasn't reassuring Harith at all. "I've been eating more than usual, actually. I ate three plates just now."

Harith returned home after Harley had lunch, so he wasn't able to see Harley adding his food three times. It wasn't like he didn't trust Harley. But, right now, Harley was becoming thinner, which was worrying since the baby inside of him would continously suck his energy. If Harley doesn't eat much, he was going to be weak, and Harith had experienced that too many times to know what would happen if Harley is weakened.

Noticing how he wasn't saying anything, Harley said, "I promise, Harith, I'm eating. I'm not trying to lose weight or anything."

"I know," Harith said, smiling faintly at the mage. He stared at Harley again before holding his hand. Just by holding the mage's hand, he could tell that his fingers had gotten slender. "I'm just worried about you."

Harley could only give him a small smile.

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