Chapter 12

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Just to make it interesting, we're gonna go to the Edge boi

I walked into the building and straightened my suit. Well, it's not my suit, but you get the drift. I noticed a couple other prosecutors looked at me strangely, and as a response I narrowed my eyes at them and they immediately looked away. Then, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and I notice that my sister Franziska was looking at me strangely. I know I can't intimidate her, sadly, and ignored this look.

"Hello, Franziska."

"Why do you have Mr. Phoenix Wright's suit on?"

"Ah, well, you see..."

I stopped. I'm not too sure what she was going to say about this.

"Wait a minute..."

She took a closer look at the suit. Then, she pulled out a black hair from the rim of the pocket.

"What's this?"

I blushed softly. I tried not to show any emotion whatsoever. However she overlooked this.

"You're blushing~."

"Franziska, I am not blushing. I'm only getting hot in this suit."

"Apparently, Mr. Phoenix Wright thinks so too."

I blushed harder at this.

"Franziska Von Karma!!"

She gasped.

"You're dating Mr. Phoenix Wright!!"

"Wh-Where did you get that idea?!"

"Fool! The suit, the hair, you're blushing for God's sake, and the fact that you two like each other is no help for your case."

I sighed.

"Alright, fine. I'm dating Wright."

She squealed.

"Well, it's about time, little brother! I must say, I am quite proud of you."

She then whipped me.

"Now get to work or perish!"

"Gah! Alright, Franziska, I'm going!"

As I walked away, I can hear her squealing in the background. I chuckled at this and kept walking towards my office. Detective Gumshoe was already there.

"Good morning sirrrrr...."

He looked at me as if I had three heads.

"Uh, sir?"

"Yes, Detective? What is it?"

"Isn't that Phoenix Wright's suit?"

"Yes, it is actually. Why do you ask?"

He gave me no answer. I snapped my fingers in his face.

"Detective! I demand an answer. Why are you asking me this?"

"Oh! Well, it looks kinda strange on you, not in a bad way, of course! It's just that you're always in that red suit and that blue suit is just strange and really I think it looks nice on you and-"

"Alright, Detective, that's enough."

Edgeworth, are you there? It's me, PhoenixOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora