Chapter 11

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That walk to work wasn't really awkward. We kept talking about what things many people would talk about. How was your sleep? Did you do anything interesting recently? And other stuff. We walked into the Wright and co. Agency. I could see Athena and Apollo already there.

"Good morning, Apollo and Athena." I said.

"Good morning, Mr. Wright." Said the defence attorney in red.

"Hey, Mr. Wright! What's Mr. Edgeworth doing here?"

"We were just going for a walk, he's gonna have to go to his office soon."

I turned to face him. He smiled and kissed my cheek. I blushed and laughed at this.

"I'll see you in court, Phoenix."

"See you there, Miles."

He left the Agency and I turned to the other two lawyers, who starred at me with confused, yet terrified expressions.

"Is something wrong?" I ask.

There was a moment of silence.

"YOU'RE DATING MR. EDGEWORTH?!" yelled the yellow lawyer.

"Yeah, we've been dating since last night, is something wrong?"

The two lawyers looked at each other in shock and looked back at me.

"I'm... Surprised." Said the lawyer in red.

"Me too..." Said the other one.

"Ok, first you tell me that he's my boyfriend, then when we actually get together, you're surprised?"


"We thought that if we teased you, you would act more like a tsundere." Said the orange haired girl.

Apollo gently hit her arm to give her the hint. She hit him back and it quickly went into a heated argument.

"Guys, calm down! You aren't five anymore!"

They stopped hitting each other and looked at me.

"Sorry, Mr. Wright." They said in unison.

"It's alright, but make sure it doesn't happen again, okay?"

They both nodded and went back to work.

Edgeworth, are you there? It's me, PhoenixWhere stories live. Discover now