Chapter 1

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After a lot of objections, the trial was finally over. I had won. The prosecution was obviously Edgeworth. I looked at him, but as soon as I did, he turned his head to look away, as if I had just caught him. However, I thought nothing of it. I saw him exiting the courthouse. I jumped over the desk so I can catch up with him.

"Hey Edgeworth!"

Edgeworth turned to look at me.

"Hello, Wright."

"Do you wanna have lunch with me and Maya? We're going to the noodle shop not too far from here."

"I'm sorry, Wright, but I am quite busy."

"Come on Edgeworth! It's on me."

Edgeworth sighed. "Okay, fine."

"Thanks, Edgeworth!"

I then hugged him. However, he was really stiff and didn't hug back. When I let go of him, I could see that his face was red.

"Edgeworth? Are you okay?"

He shook his head. "I'm fine, Wright. I just got shocked. What time do you want to meet?"

"How about... 1:00 at the Wright and Co. Agency?"

"Sounds good to me. Goodbye, Wright. See you in a couple hours."

"See you later, Miles."

He then exited the courthouse. I turned around to look at Maya who was giving me a strange look.

"What's up with the look?"

"You like Edgeworth, don't you Phoenix?"

"What? Of course not, I only invited him to lunch."

"Oh, so it's a date?"

"Maya, you and your crazy thoughts."

"You didn't answer my question."

"No, it's not a date. Besides, you're coming with us."

"No I'm not, I'm going to hang out with Pearls. You and Edgeworth go have some lunch."

She then ran out of the courtroom. I sighed and packed my papers.

"Do I like Edgeworth?" I asked myself.

I ignored the thought and went outside to where I parked my bike. Then I realized that my bike was gone.

"Man, I wish I never gave Maya my extra bike lock key."

I then walked all the way to my apartment so I can wash up and get ready for lunch.

Edgeworth, are you there? It's me, PhoenixWhere stories live. Discover now