"I don't know, Siena. I keep trying to figure out why he did what he did. If he did love me, he never would've broken me like that. He knew how I felt about him. He knew how much this would hurt me. To me-," I paused-, "to me he was it. He was the one."

"He still could be the one," Siena whispered gently. 

"He cheated on me. I will never be able to trust him again," I glared coolly at her. 

"Calm down, Jo. We're just talking. No need for your soul to get all riled up," she raised her hands up in surrender. 

My soul?

I stood up and walked over to one of the ornate mirrors hanging on the wall. Sure enough, my eyes were glowing a vibrant green, the fluorescent blue flames of my soul glowing underneath my skin. 

I hadn't even realized my soul was that close to the surface. I hadn't even realized I had begun to glow. What was going on?

"Sorry, Sie, I didn't even realize my soul was that close to coming out. Normally, I can feel it underneath my skin," I shook my head and sat back down on the armchair. 

"That's a little concerning. Let's hope all it does is glow for now. Don't wanna blow up another building," she laughed lightly. 

"Come to think of it, since then, my soul has spent a lot more time right underneath the surface. Maybe my willpower isn't as strong as it was before," I frowned. 

It would make sense. Before Grey had broken my heart, I'd kept my soul hidden for his sake and for mine. Now, it was only for my sake. And honestly, this whole surviving thing was getting a little tiresome. I didn't really care anymore if Lucifer found me. Maybe it'd be better off for everyone involved if I just ceased to exist. 

"Well, you gotta find some new motivation, chica," Siena hummed absentmindedly. 

At that, the living room door swung open to reveal a very giddy Allison holding 2 large shopping bags. 

"I have had the best day," Allison drawled, setting her bags down on the kitchen countertop. 

Siena and I exchanged a look, and then we turned to Allison. 

"How many things did you Suggest they give you for free?" Siena raised an eyebrow slowly. 

"Okay, well only like, five. Maybe six. Okay fine, seven. But you don't understand, they're so cute!" Allison grinned. 

"At least we're in Paris where everything is overpriced and they'll probably make up for that lost profit within the hour," I shrugged but Siena merely rolled her eyes. 

"Did you steal our dresses too or did you pay for those?" Siena asked coolly. 

"Don't be so negative. You think you'd be grateful seeing as I found time to go look for your dresses since you can't walk," Allison huffed. 

"Hmm," Siena pursed her lips, clenching her jaw a little. 

"Anyways. Okay, so I'm wearing this satiny little gold number," Allison pulled a very short satin dress out of one of the bags. 

It looked more like a nightgown than a dress, but I didn't really care what she wore so I said nothing. 

"Siena, I found you this one," Allison reached into a different bag and pulled out a longer boho style gown with roses embroidered across it. 

"Not bad," Siena mumbled. 

"And Jo, I got you this one," she held up a bright red dress that was longer than hers by a few inches and had a V neck that went down to the waist. 

How on Earth was I going to wear that?

"Um, Al, that's a little- it's a little much, don't you think?" I asked with a soft chuckle, my eyes flicking back and forth between her and Siena. 

"Um, no. We're showing Grey what he lost, remember?" Allison replied bluntly. 

"Al, I don't really think that's a good idea, Jordan was just telling me-," Siena began but Allison cut her off. 

"Look. Grey was a cheating asshole and we're going to make him suffer. I don't know why you all aren't jumping on this bandwagon, like, come on! He literally broke your heart!" Allison pointed at me and my eyes widened. 

"I just don't think we need to-," I started, but Allison shook her head. 

"No. We need to stand together and you need to stand up for yourself," Allison said rather pointedly. 

"Pretty sure she did that when she blew up Grey's apartment," Siena added, earning a glare from Allison. 

"You're wearing the dress," Allison narrowed her eyes at me. 

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes, leaning back in the armchair with a huff. 

Allison smiled and picked up her bags giddily, hurrying over to her bedroom. Siena glanced at me and rolled her eyes, resting her head back against the armrest of the sofa with an overdramatic sigh. 

"I think I'm going to go fly some, I need to stretch out my wings and make sure the dislocated one is healing properly. Do you wanna come? How are you feeling?" I asked her. 

"I don't want to push it and cause more damage. I think I'll hold off. But feel free to pick up some more wine on your way home, we're running low," Siena smirked and I chuckled, standing up from the armchair. 

"I'll be back in a bit," I smiled over my shoulder at her as I walked out the apartment door and hurried down the iron steps to the courtyard. 

There was no one out here, so I extended my wings out to my sides. I winced a little at the start, but after they extended, I let out a groan of satisfaction. They felt good. Healed. 

With that, I pushed them downwards in one fell swoop and shot upwards into the misty clouds above me. I didn't know where I was going, I just needed to go. 

Hi you guyssssss. Sorry, it's kind of a filler chapter because there's still so much that I want to happen, so I figured we needed a little breather after Notre Dame. Hope you don't mind. 

Sorry it's taken me so long to write. It's almost time for me to go back to school, and I'm studying abroad this semester, so I had a lot of little things I needed to take care of. 

Alright. Until next time, my loves. 


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