Cuddles au

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Roman opened his eyes a tiny bit. He blinked a few times then opened them fully, the room was dimly lit by the light slipping under the closed blinds.

Roman rolled over slightly and saw his boyfriend, his legs were curled up to his chest slightly and he had one arm over Roman's waist with the other in a fist under his chin.

Roman stared at him for a while. Logan's hair had fallen over his eyes while he slept and there was a small smile on his face at whatever dream he was having.

Roman softly brushed Logan's hair away from his eyes so he could see them fully when he woke up. Logan stirred a little in his sleep at Roman's touch and he stretched his legs out, rolling over onto his back, his hands going up to his shoulders.

He moved back so he was facing Roman and opened one eye, smiling at Roman.

"Morning." Roman whispered. He put his arm over Logan's waist and pulled him closer. Logan looked up at him and Roman took a second to admire his hazel brown eyes. Logan squinted up at Roman then rubbed his eyes.

"Your fuzzy." He muttered. Roman smiled.

"Do you want your glasses?" He asked. Logan wrapped his arms around Roman's torso and snuggled into his chest, mumbling something about getting them after.

Roman moved his hand up to the back of Logan's neck and shuffled down so he was at the same level as Logan. Logan took his head out of Roman's chest and kissed him.

It was a quick peck but Roman pulled him back after. They broke the kiss when they ran out of air.

"We need to get up." Logan said. Roman moved his hand to hold the side of his boyfriends face

"But I want cuddles." Roman said. Logan thought for a second. It was a Sunday and he had no work so they could stay in bed longer.
"Ok but just a little longer."

Roman kissed Logan, this one longer but with just as much love as all their other ones. Logan moved his hand up to Roman's hair and wrapped one of his legs around Roman's.

Roman pulled away and kissed Logan's nose. Logan smiled.

"I love you." Roman said.

"I love you too." Logan said, he kissed Roman quickly.

"Can I have my glasses please?" He asked. Roman passed him his glasses and Logan puts them on. He smiles at Roman.

"There's my beautiful boyfriend." He said bopping Roman on the nose.

"Specs." Roman retaliated pushing Logan's glasses up. Roman sat up.

"Time to start the day." He said stretching.

"The day has already begun." Logan pointed out sitting up as well.

"Then we shall start the midday." Roman said swinging his legs out of bed. Logan hugged him from behind.

"You know what's good about mornings?" He asked Roman.

"What?" Roman asked thinking Logan would say something smart.

"I get to see you." Logan said resting his head on Roman's shoulder. Roman pushed him off.

"You are so cheesy." He said standing up.

"I know." Logan said.

520 words

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