🌷Is This The End?🌷

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"Thanks for waiting, Mom."

I walk down the stairs side by side with Norman and see ourselves dressed identically. Now that the time has come for my journey to end...I actually feel better that Connie never knew what was coming to her the moment she left this house, she would've had a meltdown for a girl her age. I keep my eyes shut and touch the ring Ray gave to me, without Isabella noticing I hide the necklace under my white shirt and gave a long stare at our monster of a mother.

The woman holds both our fedoras and see a small smirk upon her lips when she glances back at us, "Sure, let's go. Everyone's waiting." I look back and notice when I turn around Ray staring at Norman and I, without saying a word to us he follows to where we're going and stays back.

" I look back and notice when I turn around Ray staring at Norman and I, without saying a word to us he follows to where we're going and stays back

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We follow the woman and stopped at the front door and felt my chest hurt when everyone gathered around for a final goodbye. Sherry was quick to run towards Norman's leg and wrap her tiny around around him, some also hugged me and I put on a strong façade so no one would see how I truly felt. Phil stepped forward between us, "Ryo...Norman.."

Norman and I exchanged look and knelt down to our knees and wiped his tears away. "Can I count on you to help Emma in our places?"

"Yes." Phil whispered and lowered his head. I hugged the young boy and closed my eyes shut, I opened them back up to see Isabella with a wicked smile on her face, Don and Gilda crying in the back with Emma looking away from the scene, but Ray wasn't here. That broke my heart a bit since I wanted him to be the last thing I see before stepping out these doors.

It seem like Isabella knew who I was searching for when she asked Emma where Ray is."At the infirmary. He said he didn't want to see Norman and Ryo off." Emma muttered. Norman had a sad look on his face also but paid no mind to it.

"I see. Don. Gilda. Take care of Emma and Ray, okay?"

Both of them forced a smile on their faces when Norman told them to be in charge of the, "O-Of course. Leave it to us!" Norman smiled satisfied with their answer and turned towards Emma who still held her head down. "Emma. Take care of everyone, okay?"

He waited for an answer but she didn't respond. I sadly stared at her and looked at the kids once more, "I love each and every single one of you. I just wish I would've had more time to spend and love each of you more, whatever happens in the future remember to stay strong and always pay close attention to those close to you." I say and glance back at Isabella..

The young ones stay silent and I see more tears pouring down their faces. Norman places his hand on my shoulder and gives them a warm smile, "Okay, everyone. Goodbye." He says in behalf of both of us, we both turn our backs to them and hear the little ones thanking us for everything and begging for us to not leave them.

 We inch closer to the door when Emma shouted Norman's name confused by her sudden change I look back but instead I'm met with Ray also pouncing himself onto me making us tumble down to the floor.

🌷Dreamers//The Promised Neverland (Ray x Oc)🌷Where stories live. Discover now