Chapter 21: WolfClan is finally here! (Malec)

Start from the beginning

Ashwhisker shrugged. "If you ask me, I don't know if I'd believe him off his word."

"So your suggestion is..." Goldenclaw murmurs, hoping that whatever Vultureclaw said would not be too distasteful.

Vultureclaw smirks. The expression on the deputy's face is a crooked, evil sort of smile that Goldenclaw decidedly does not like. He watches with bated breath as Vultureclaw contemplates something long and hard.

"If you wish to join us, then you must be tested." Vultureclaw says decisively. "And I know just how to test you." A dark gleam was in those amber eyes. Goldenclaw barely suppresses a shudder.

****Arrowheart's POV****

His heart hammers long after they cross the final ThunderPath in the long row. He can feel his own chest heaving with the effort of so much exertion. Patchfur was right next to him, the bicolored tom taking in his own several lungfuls of air.

"That...was...horrible..." Simon pants out, his ears still plastered tightly to his forehead in fear.

Arrowheart finds himself agreeing with the vampire. He could not recall having ever ran as fast in his life. Silverthorn and Strikeclaw had been kind enough to lead them to the least busy stretch of road for crossing, but that had not stopped four monsters from almost trampling them. Each and every time, he had found himself praying to StarClan they made it through. Luckily, they had, but now they were all just trying to catch their breaths, and also recover a steady heart rate.

"Tell me about it." Sparkpaw said.

The she-cat's voice is muffled from her ginger muzzle being pressed into the earth. Sparkpaw had collapsed onto the ground the second they made it across the asphalt back onto dry grass. Prickly blades of grass brush up against the apprentice's belly fur and sides. Arrowheart knows the sprawled out position his apprentice is in is in no way comfortable, though he doubts she'll be getting up anytime soon.

Strikeclaw lets out a small grumble. "If you thought that was bad, just wait until we bring the rest of WolfClan across on our way back."

Silverthorn nods in agreement. "The first time was bad enough. And it'll be even more dangerous now that some of our Clan mates are sick."

"Are you sure that's the only way back? Maybe we can find something else?" Simon mews.

Strikeclaw shakes his head. "We wondered that too. But if there was a way, we didn't find one." The brown tom frowns. "I think that's why Rookstar picked this place for us to live. It's secluded and hardly anyone would be able to cross all the paths of get to us so we'd be safe."

Silverthorn nods with a sad smile. "I'm sure. Regardless, he didn't account for food. WolfClan can't survive here for much longer. We need to go home."

"And that's why we're here." Patchfur mews. "Right Arrowheart?"

"Yes. We'll get Rookstar and the others so we can all go back to the forest together." Arrowheart murmurs. The Shadowhunter hopes everything goes well, his dream from last night still bouncing around in his head, flickering with bright warning lights.

"That sounds good and all...but where is WolfClan anyways? I thought you said they'd be right beyond all the ThunderPaths." Sparkpaw mews. The apprentice had lifted her head up from the grass so she could be heard clearly. Simon helped her get back up onto her paws, giving the flame colored cat a lick behind one ear once she was standing beside him.

Strikeclaw rolls his eyes and Arrowheart has to resist doing the same. "Only an absolute moron would make their camp right next to an obnoxiously loud, smelly ThunderPath. What are you, a kittypet?"

Book 2: City of Ice and Fire (a warriors cats and shadowhunters crossover)Where stories live. Discover now