Chapter 20: Vultureclaw is acting Suspicious and he's not the Only One

Start from the beginning

There had been many more demon sightings in HunterClan territory since Goldenclaw fought Frostfang at the Silent Forest alongside the Silent Brothers. Blossomstar was worried what all these demonized animals in daylight could mean, and also if the other territory's were being affected. Though the light brown tabby leader has not sent out a questioning patrol to any of the other clans just yet.

I suppose she's just biding her time until the Gathering.

Goldenclaw remembers Blossomstar's announcement yesterday; their leader plans to tell the other Clans about Frostfang's return at the next Gathering. He is unsure if the leader will reveal information to the other clans on the two missing Mortal Instruments though. Many of the senior warriors said that the Mortal Moss and the Mortal Stick were HunterClan business only. He supposed they were not wrong, but the idea of lying to the other clans makes him feel uneasy.

"A lie of omission is still a lie." Silvermoon's firm voice echoes in his head.

The silver tabby she-cat had told him this on several occasions, one of the worst being the time Nightrose and himself hid a frog under Dapplefur's nest. Arrowheart had wanted no part in the horrible prank, arguing that the heavily expectant queen didn't need the stress of laying atop a slimy, disgusting living creature.

He'd had a point: the calico queen had been furious when she found the offending amphibian. Silvermoon has appropriately punished Goldenclaw and his sister with no supper that evening, and helping Lilyspots out in the Medicine Den the next day.

One might say sending kits to help out a Medicine Cat was a bad idea, but considering that she made them clean out bedding the entire day that reasoning need not apply. Needless to say, that was one of the most boring days in Goldenclaw's kithood that he can remember.

"Thank StarClan we're back." Starkpelt murmured the second the tunnel entrance of camp came into view. The warrior said nothing else to Goldenclaw and Violetpaw before darting into camp, his ears pushed back.

"What's wrong with him? He acts like a skittish mouse." Violetpaw mews.

Goldenclaw shrugs. "I have no idea." He'd rather not talk about the traitor anymore than he already had to. And so he changed the subject. "You did a good job today. How about you go get something to eat. We can go hunting together later." Violetpaw doesn't look satisfied by his response, but she does brighten at getting to train later.

"Okay. I'm gonna go find Smokepaw, Mousepaw and Stripepaw. See you later Goldenclaw." The apprentice said before bounding away.

Her mostly white paws were going off in the direction of the fresh kill pile. As the hunting patrols of the day had yet to return, only last night's sparse pickings remained. He watched Violetpaw scoop up a feathery pigeon before changing his focus onto Vultureclaw. Like he'd promised his parabatai, Goldenclaw had been keeping a close eye on the deputy. Besides the strange command for Blossomstar to have guards, he didn't seem to be up to much lately.

This didn't seem to be the case now however.

Goldenclaw watches the older warrior murmur a few words to Ashwhisker and Frondleap discreetly at the edge of camp. Despite the sizzling rune of advanced hearing being activated on him for the patrol earlier, Goldenclaw can't pick up what the three are saying. He is able to see them slip out of camp though, all discreet and sneaky like.

I have to follow them. See what they're up to.

He ignores the protesting rumble from his tummy. In his haste to wake Violetpaw up for the dawn patrol he did not eat before leaving camp earlier. This hadn't been an issue on patrol, as his stomach had yet to awaken for the day. But now he could feel it yowling in outrage.

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