Chapter 19: A Secret Meeting at FourTrees

Start from the beginning

Silverthorn and Strikeclaw are sleeping close to one another near the puddle, just barely brushing pelts. It was clear the two were still figuring each other out, hence the jealous looks Strikeclaw had been flashing him earlier before his untimely collapse.

Patchfur slinks over to the remaining fresh-kill near Simon and Sparkpaw. A few battered leaves were scuffed over it to keep away the prying eyes of other predators. Arrowheart can feel his stomach rumble in approval at the sight of the squirrel as Patchfur tugs it out. Despite the chilling of the weather, this squirrel is relatively plump, it's fur a silvery gray in the moonlight.

"Thank the Angel you guys hunted before going to sleep. I'm starved!" He exclaims.

"Well, no need to thank us. We should be thanking you for taking down that dog. Might I say you looked quite handsome afterwards, all hot and rugged like~." Patchfur purrs.

Arrowheart doesn't have to feel the heat rising back up in his cheeks to know he's blushing. Hastily he plunges into eating the squirrel. He precisely tears each and every strip of meat off the animal, ridding it of its bushy tail before anything else.

"Thanks." He murmurs shyly. "Do you want some?"

"Sure. But I'll eat only after you have your fill. You haven't eaten since last morning, so you'll be way hungrier than I am." Patchfur tells him.

"True." Arrowheart licks his lips as the anticipation to eat makes him salivate. "Careful what wish for though, I might just eat the whole thing."

"Well, I guess you'll be too full for your dessert then." Patchfur tuts playfully.

"Oh. And what would that be? Do you have another piece of prey under there? Perhaps a mouse?" He asks.

Arrowheart wouldn't be surprised if there was extra prey left over. Knowing *most* of the cats he is traveling with, he wouldn't be amazed if they'd had a big prey hull. Especially with how dense the forest here seems to be.

Patchfur shakes his head. "Darling, one of these days I'm going to have to teach you innuendos. You're absolutely dreadful when it comes to interpreting them."

Arrowheart's blush deepens as he stutters out, his mouth a mere inch away from the shredded meat. "T-that was an innuendo." He gulps.

"Why but of course." Patchfur walks around him in a graceful circle, his tail running right below Arrowheart's chin in what was definitely a flirtatious move. "Why else would I have said it?" He asks idly as he comes to stand in front of the younger tom once more.

"O-oh. I'm just gonna...." He begins devouring the meat, willing his blush to die down. Patchfur watches him amusedly, his golden green eyes twinkling.

It's only when over half of the squirrel is gone that Arrowheart makes room for Patchfur to join him. Crouching side by side, the two toms finish off the rest of the squirrel with ease, burying the remains in a nearby bush.

Patchfur lets out a yawn that showcases his pearly white incisors. "Well, eating that made me sleepy. Let's get something to drink and go back to bed. Sound good?"

"Yea. Sounds good."

The two have their own version of a nightcap in silence, pelts brushing close. The water is cool to the touch and Arrowheart gulps it down thirstily right after he takes the first sip. After having been asleep for so long he hadn't realized just how thirsty he was till he felt the liquid wetting his parched throat. He lets out a sigh of relief as he pulls back from the puddle satisfied.

Patchfur leads Arrowheart back to their makeshift nest with ease after they've gotten their fill of the water. The two snuggle close together with ease, letting the darkness of the night take the, back to dreamland once more. Overhead, the shining light of the half-moon blazes down upon them, casting Arrowheart and his companions in a soft silvery glow.

Book 2: City of Ice and Fire (a warriors cats and shadowhunters crossover)Where stories live. Discover now