this is how it starts📍

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Y/n's P.O.V

"Directions to Hang's cookie factory." I say to my gooogle maps app on my phone. This isn't the first time something like this has happened. Well this particular situation is new, usually it's someone that is about to be killed or accidental death. Other times it's theives or major robberies. But never before have I dealt with suicide.

I have a special gift. No, I'm not a superhero. No, I do not always use it for good. As a human being I'm selfish at times too. For everyone wondering what it is basically I can-


"UUUUUUUGH" I sigh very loudly. I hate talking to people over the phone. I prefer conversations in person, talking over the phone seems so impersonal.

"Hello? Y/n, y/n? Are you there?"

It's my boss.

"Yes I'm here Mingyu. What do you need?"

"Did you have another one last night? Your brain activity was off the charts."

"I did. But I dont know if I'm up for this one. I was going to go check out the site before hand."

"What was it about?"

I hesitated a little before answering.

"It was a suicide this time. I've never done one before, do you think I can do it?"

"Y/n, you are our strongest. You can do anything you set your mind too."

"Okay, I'll talk to you later. I have to get going."

I hang up the phone and start getting ready, I'm not the type of person to dress up, I cant even remember the last time I wore Jean's. I put on my black sweat pants and hoodie with my white high top Van's. This is good, I think I actually look really cute.

Following the directions on my phone I'm at the cookie factory in half an hour. Slamming the door to my car I run to the side walk after almost getting hit by some jerk driving an expensive looking Lamborghini.

"Watch where you're going idiot!" I shout after him.

Looking up at the building makes me feel small. The smell is wonderful, fresh cookies with a hint of lavender.

I roam around the building looking for a direct way up to the roof.

"Oh sweet, a ladder!" I squeal running towards it.

About halfway up the latter I regret my decision, I forgot how unathletic I was. Suddenly I wish I did write down that zumba class number. Oh well too late now.

"FINALLY!" I yell out in relief.

"I cant believe I just climbed a 100 story building, well, give or take 50 stories."

It's about dark time just like in my dream. I look over the edge and see the spot I was standing in.


I turn around looking for the source of the loud noise and my eyes land on a big metal door that busts open. A blonde man walks onto the roof as if he didnt just break down a door.

"Oh I'm sorry I didnt know anyone else was up here" he apologized. "How did you get up here? The door was locked."

"Oh I climbed up the ladder" I said like it was nothing.

"What? Really? Wow you must be really strong!"

"Eh, it was no big deal. So what are you doing up here?"

"Oh, I just came up here to.....look at the view? Yeah, I came to look at the veiw."

"Really? Me too!" I lied. "What's your name?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"My name? Jimin, Park Jimin."

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