That meant they would hang out at his house together.

He pulled his phone away from his chest and looked at it, his phone screen brightly illuminating his face. He wasn't sure how to respond to Darryl.

He thought for a moment, not wanting to be too forward.

Zak 11:42pm:
How about tomorrow night? I don't work the next day, so we could have a movie night or something.

He was satisfied with his response, he didn't feel that he came on too strong, but still gave Darryl
the hint.

His phone vibrated instantly, signaling Darryl responded.

Cutie muffin 11:42pm:
That would be perfect.

Zak squealed again, but covered his mouth. He didn't want to wake up his family.

He felt butterflies in his stomach, something he had all night since Darryl came in the store. He hadn't noticed them much until now, but every time Darryl looked at him, they grew stronger.

For some reason, Zak felt like he couldn't be mad at Darryl at all, despite what happened in the last few days. He just wanted to spend time with him and enjoy each other's company.

Plus, every time he looked into his green eyes, it seemed like they got brighter and brighter.

All night, Zak couldn't help but notice the colors around them. Darryl's eyes, the deep blue of the night sky, the yellow hues that street lamps cast down onto the sidewalk. All of it seemed so much more vivid now that he forgave Darryl.

He knew something was different, he just didn't realize what.

Zak wanted to spend time with Darryl, he wanted to keep holding hands and chatting all day. He wanted to look into his green eyes and just melt. He wanted to give him more kisses on his cheeks, and maybe just all over his face.

He wanted to hold Darryl and keep him safe from all the evil in the world, and take away all the pain from his past. He wanted to be there for him, no matter what.

Zak sat thinking for a long time, his phone in his hand. He never responded to Darryl, and realized his phone had vibrated a few times.

He unlocked his phone and clicked on their texts, seeing he had 5 messages from the green eyed man.

Cutie muffin 11:53pm:
Should I come meet you after work?
Is that ok?
Did you fall asleep, cutie?

Zak chuckled, typing out a response.
Zak 11:53pm:
Sorry, I was just thinking about how cute you look with glasses
That's fine, you can meet me and we'll go to your place from there. It's a date.
I can't wait to meet your puppy!

Cutie muffin 11:54pm:
She'll love you.
I'll see you tomorrow, get some sleep.

Zak pouted at that message, he didn't want to stop texting yet. He really enjoyed their conversations.

Zak 11:54pm:
Okay, goodnight!
Sleep well <3

He didn't know if sending the heart was too much, but he was relieved when his phone vibrated with Darryl's response.

Cutie muffin 11:55pm:
<3 goodnight

With that, Zak locked his phone and set it on his nightstand. He turned to lay on his back, staring up at the ceiling.

This position was very familiar, but this time it felt different.

Instead of crying and feeling the world was crumbling around him, the butterflies in his stomach fluttered freely and gave him goosebumps. Zak smiled and closed his eyes, picturing bright green ones peering back at him.


The one he vowed to never think of again.

The person who made him feel broken and unfixable.

His soulmate.

The same person who made him feel invincible, like he was soaring.

The one who gave his butterflies and shivers.

Darryl, who made him smile and laugh.

Zak couldn't wait for their date.

He picked up his phone again and read through the messages. He smiled, his grin growing larger at every line. Then, it dropped.

He stared at one of his last messages.

That's fine, you can meet me and we'll go to your place from there. It's a date.

He called it a date.

Zak sat up straight, pulling at his hair. He called it a date!

Why did he call it a date? Why didn't Darryl say anything? Is that why he went to bed? Did Zak scare him away? Did he mess this all up?

No, there's no way, Zak thought. He would've said something if he wasn't comfortable with it. I'm sure it's fine.

Still, Zak continued to freak out and overthink the situation. He was scared Darryl wasn't scared of Zak's forwardness.

He really hoped he would show up tomorrow night. Overthinking, Zak sent Darryl a quick message.

Zak 11:59pm:
Hey, sorry if you're asleep already
I just wanted to make sure, is it ok that I called it a date?

He waited to Darryl's response for a few minutes, sitting in agony. Suddenly, his phone vibrated. It lit up with a message from Darryl.

Cutie muffin 12:04am:
You didn't wake me, I was brushing my teeth
That's totally fine, why wouldn't it be?

Zak sighed in relief, happy that Darryl was okay with the word.

Zak 12:05am:
You just said goodnight so quickly I was scared that it wasn't ok

Cutie muffin 12:06am:
Nope, I'm looking forward to it, cutie.
I'll see you tomorrow, goodnight <3

Zak did a little happy dance, throwing his arms up above his head and laying back down on the bed. He locked his phone again, not before sending another goodnight text-with a heart, of course.

He was looking forward to tomorrow.

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