Bonnie: Elena, I'm sorry.

Elena: Well I never thought Jake would show up in town again. I wished he didn't.

The doorbell rings.

Alaric: I will get it

Alaric walks over to the door.

Alaric opened the door

It was Tyler at the door

Tyler walks into the house with Alaric behind him after Alaric closed the door

Tyler: Sorry I'm late in being here to come up with a better plan to get rid of Jake.

Elena: No, I told everyone what happened that day. Well, some of the plan I remember was that I was gonna tell Jake I was moving away from this town. Then if he asked where then I would say I'm not sure yet.

Tyler: The one idea we came up with is if we were teenagers when he shows up again then Elena was going to say Me and her engaged but since she is dating Stefan then we can say that Elena and Stefan are engaged.

Elena: The other idea is fake. I'm dead after he apologizes to me.

Jeana: how would the last one work?

Elena: Well I thought of these when I was a kid, first of all, second of easy. Say I tripped and hit my head pretty badly and there was a lot of blood. Then when you guys took me to the hospital they couldn't do anything. now that I'm a vampire, me and Stefan can move to a different state and go to high school there and start new I guess. This idea falls into play if things with Jake get too out of hand.

Jeremy: Elena, would you be able to visit us if this plan happens?

Elena: yeah I would change my hair color and go by a different name when I'm in town. But once I'm in the house with you guys then we can use my real name.

Alaric: What other name would you go by outside of the houses when you are in town?

Elena: I would go Emily outside of some of the house.

Stefan: I would go by Brad James.

Jenna:  what happens if Jake asks about your body?

Elena: You tell him I decided to be cremated instead of buried like my parents. but you decided to put a gravestone next to my parent's gravestones.

Jenna: I'm guessing you had more time to think of plans then. 

Elena: I thought of it off the fly just now.

Jenna:  what color hair are you going to go for?

Elena: I was thinking of going blond or red. Still not 100% sure what color to choose.

Jenna: ok but would your phone numbers be the same?

Stefan:  we have two phones. 

Jenna: why's that

Elena: keep the old number that you all can use to get a hold of us on it so we can still talk and be in touch. Then the second one will be for the new places we choose and are new friends we can get a hold of.

Jenn:  it all happened if the worst-case scenario happens with Jake correct

Elena: yes Jenna. 

Stefan: I wouldn't let Elena do this idea now. It's in case Jake tries some of what Matt tried but way worse than Matt.

Caroline: What's the plan in the meantime? 

Stefan And Elana get Their Happy Endingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें