Chapter 2 Council at Rivendell

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Within a week's time, Haraldur and his Company were ready to go. Thorin and the Royal family walked with him to the front gates. Haraldur hugged his aunt Dis goodbye.

“Be careful, sweet boy.”

Haraldur blushed. Even though he was already an adult Dis continued to treat him like a child. It was to be expected though, considering she still did that to her own sons. He smiled down at his aunt, “I will, Aunt Dis,” He said then kissed her cheek.

He went down the line and hugged his cousins and their children. When he got to Tauriel she gave him a fierce hug, “I should be going with you.”

“Not in the state you are in my dear friend. Do not worry I will be just fine, I promise. If I am not home in time for the birth give my newest nephew or niece a kiss for me.”

Tauriel smiled at him, “Of course I will, Cousin.”

Finally, Haraldur came to his father. They looked at each other for a long moment then Thorin grabbed his son and crushed him to his chest, “You and I have never been parted for most of your life and I fear for your safety."

“I know you do, Adad, but I am fully grown now and I can look after myself.”

“I know you can, my boy, but you are my only child and as your father, I will always worry about you. Remember that all our thoughts and prayers that you have a safe journey go with you.”

“Thank you Adad, I promise that Gimli and I will represent you to the best of our ability.”

“I shall miss you terribly, my son.”

“And I shall miss you, Adad.”

Thorin released Haraldur and kissed his cheek, “Before you go, I want Roärc's grandson Carc to go with you. If at any time you need me, send word and The Dwarves of Erebor will come to your aid.”

“Thank you, Adad, but I can send you a patronus if I need to.”

“Take him anyway, I want letters from you and I am sure your betrothed would like you to keep in contact as well. Do you have your wand with you?”

“Yes, Adad, even though I no longer need it I still have it with me.”

“Good Lad.”

Dwalin comes up to them, “We must be off if we are to reach Rivendell in time.”

Thorin and Haraldur look at each other, “Did I not tell you, Dwalin, we will be traveling by Portkey.”

“Ah, no, none of your magical travel.”

“The sooner you get there the sooner you return,” Thorin tells his cousin and best friend.

Dwalin sighs, “And what of the ponies?”

“Not a problem.”

Haraldur waved his hand and transfigured the ponies into rocks. They were then collected and stored inside his pack. Once that was done, Haraldur pulled out a length of rope and had everyone hold onto it.

“I hate traveling this way,” Dwalin says.

“It will be over faster than you think, Dwalin,” Haraldur tells them.


When they all have a hold of the rope, Haraldur activates the portkey, “Gryffindor.”

Instantly they feel a hook behind their navel and they are transported to just outside the gates of Rivendell. Some of the soldier wretched while Dwalin, Gloin, and Gimli turn a little green. Haraldur is the only one that is fine having finally gotten used to traveling that way.

Harry Potter and the Fellowship of the Ring حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن