Chapter 10: Over-Protective

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Leon is a sex fiend. Whenever Ashia is gone we go at it three or four times. It feels so good having him all to myself, I never imagined having a mate but now that we are mated a lot more has opened up to us. Also the bed has developed a slight creak.

According to Kyanna, word has spread around town about Leon and his secret new mate and that he will take the leading rank from his cousin. They so desperately want to rid themselves of Theon that they actually put their necks on the line to spite him.

I quake quietly in my hoodie, staring at the door. Today is the day I leave and show the pack that I've returned. Not that it's a big deal though but to me, it's terrifying. I hug myself in fear.

Ashia tugs my pants, " Mommy, don't be nervous."

I smile, " How can I be when I have my brave little princess and handsome knight in shining armor. "

Leon smiles, walking to me, " You ready to go, my love?"

I nod, " Ready as I can be."

Ashia takes my hand and leads me outside as Leon holds the door for us. He locks it behind himself and takes Ashia's other hand as we walk to the street. Anxiety bubbles in my stomach as we walk. Leon looks at me, sensing it. He smiles, making me smile.

Ashia swing our hands as we walk along the street into the market. Old familiar faces stop and look at us as we walk. I hide in my hoodie, taking refuge in Leon's confidence.

The eyes of other pry as they turn to each other and whisper. Ashia point out a scarf and leave our side. I rush after her, snatching up as she grabs at a glass item.

" Don't touch fragile things and don't leave Mommy's side," I scold.

She pouts for a moment then nods, " Fine."

Leon picks her and carries her in one arm then takes my hand with his free hand. We walk past a small group of rogues, drunken and fat, sitting on the side of the side.

They whistle at me, " Hey cutie, how much for a ride?"

Leon shoots them a furious glare, his eyes glowing, " Death."

They shy away, recognizing him as a alpha with power. Ashia watches observantly then looks away. She's always been a quiet kid about conflict but she always tries to make me happy so being around rude people must be weird.

I play with Ashia's foot, making her laugh.

A beautiful female walk sin front of us. Her body is adorned in beautiful fabrics and jewels. The markings of a Luna cover her but they aren't quite right. Usually the markings are perfect and beautiful, with some words of the ancient tongue. The servants most likely are slacking out of Retaliation and I doubt she has noticed. She pauses in her strut, looking at my family.

" So the King has finally finished his court with a queen, " Sam says, her hands clasped in front of her, " I'm not surprised Aiden brought back a child of his own. My men must've made good work of him."

Leon growls angrily, looking away from her, " You have no place to speak."

" If Ashia would like to meet her father then I be more than obliged to bring one of the three men who were there that night," Sam says, waving her hand.

I shift uncomfortably.

" Leon is my Daddy!" Ashia yells, clinging to Leon's hoodie, " Go away mean lady!"

Leon sighs, handing Ashia to me, " Meet me at the coffee shop you used to work at?"

I smile, taking her, " Sure."

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