Chapter 8: Caution

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A gentle nudging wakes me from my sleep. I open my eyes to see my beautiful daughter's blue ones beaming back at me. She's all dressed up in her blue princess gown with her favorite tiara on her head. Her hair is done in the two braids I braided last night but they are far more frizzy now than last night.

I smile, sitting up on my clean bed, " Good morning Sweetheart."

She smiles, her chubby cheeks making her eyes squint, " Will you play princess with me? Please Mommy?"

I pet her brown curly head, " Of course."

I let her lead me from my mattress on the floor to the living room. After I left my old home six years ago, on the way to my current pack I was raped by the alphas transporting me. One of them accidentally impregnated me so I came to the pack as a foreign pregnant omega. I was terrified but I wanted to keep her, she did nothing wrong and she was the only thing I had. Ashia is the only thing that keeps me going in this life.

I have also taken up the position of a healer and work in the local apothecary. The money I make is well more than enough to pay for my little home and Ashia to go to private school. We live comfortably in a quiet life. Often my patients from work visit with Ashia and babysit her.

She waves her wand from shoulder to shoulder, knighting me. I bow to her as if she were a queen. She giggles then sets a crown on my head.

" If I'm a princess then Mommy is a king!" She chirps.

" And our kingdom has the most wonderful princess!" I laugh, picking her up and kissing her cheeks.

She laughs happily making my heart warm. I love her, I love her more than the ocean loves the moon. She is my everything and I will die protecting her.

A knock carries out through our small home. It must be the mail man. I kiss Ashia on the cheek then set her down. She entertains herself with her dolls as I walk to the door. I open up the door.

My Father's amber eyes meet mine. Tears well up in his eyes as he steps in and embraces me. I stand for a moment as he sobs against me. I pause for a moment before hugging him back. We stand for a couple moments before Ashia tugs on my pant leg. I leg go of my father.

" Mommy, Who is this?" She asks, looking at him curiously.

I hesitate for a moment then sigh, " This is my father, you're Grandpa."

Her eyes look at him in bright curiosity.

I look at my father, " Would you like something to drink?"


Ashia plays in the living room as I bring a cup of coffee to my father at the table. He takes it, thanking me quietly as I sit. He stares into it for a moment then looks at me.

" You have a child?" He asks.

I nod, " Yes. Her name is Ashia Ann Vanos."

" H- How old is she?" He asks shakily.

I look at her, " She turned five around four months ago."

He looks at the dark abyss of coffee, " Is she Leon's..."

" No," I answer quietly, looking back at him, " I was forced during the car ride here six years ago."

" Is that why you never called or bothered to contact anyone at home? Why did you leave Aiden? Did something happen?"

I sigh, " I was forced to leave, to protect the family and Leon..."

" By who?" Father asks.

I glance at Ashia redressing her doll, " Samantha Flor."

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